

Created using Figma
WABI enables fair value transfer between consumers and brands.
  • Market
    Volume 24H
    24H (price)
    24H (volume)
  • BitGlobal
    WABI/USDT one year ago
    $ 0.1059
    $ 330.099 K
  • CEX.IO
    WABI/USD one year ago
    $ 0.0958
    $ 87.82
  • CEX.IO
    WABI/EUR one year ago
    $ 0.0961
    $ 10.69
  • CEX.IO
    WABI/USDT one year ago
    $ 0.0372
    $ 85.56
  • Binance
    WABI/BTC one year ago
    $ 0.1036
    $ 713.004 K
  • CEX.IO
    WABI/GBP one year ago
    $ 0.1024
    $ 20.48
  • BitGlobal
    WABI/BTC 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0395
    $ 43.47
  • STEX
    WABI/USDT 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0808
    $ 0.1005
  • Liquid
    WABI/BTC 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0213
    $ 2.73
  • Liquid
    WABI/USD 2 one year ago
    $ 0.3774
  • Idex
    WABI/ETH 2 one year ago
    $ 0.2241
    $ 4.483 K
  • FatBTC
    WABI/BTC 2 one year ago
    $ 0.2266
    $ 10.74
  • Bidesk
    WABI/BTC 3 one year ago
    $ 0.7434
    $ 35.91
  • Bidesk
    WABI/USDT 3 one year ago
    $ 0.6401
    $ 110.61
  • ForkDelta
    WABI/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.9413
    $ 379.20
  • Binance
    WABI/BNB 3 one year ago
    $ 0.1543
    $ 295.153 K
  • Livecoin
    WABI/USDT 3 one year ago
    $ 5.01
    $ 4.685 K
  • Livecoin
    WABI/BTC 3 one year ago
    $ 0.1255
    $ 858.06
  • Livecoin
    WABI/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0244
    $ 5.67
  • Uniswap (v3)
    WABI/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0611
  • Kyber Network
    WABI/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0790
    $ 0.1533
  • Binance
    WABI/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0752
    $ 14.547 K
  • Bilaxy
    WABI/BTC 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0575
    $ 73.431 K
  • FCoin
    WABI/ETH 5 one year ago
  • FCoin
    WABI/USDT 5 one year ago
  • Everbloom
    WABI/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.1505

About Wabi

Wabi ecosystem connects Brands and Consumers, enabling a seamless, fair, and confidential exchange of value and information.

Consumers participating in the ecosystem take advantage of the several tools designed to better inform their consumption choices and are incentivized with Wabi. Consumers redeem the tokens at a dedicated Marketplace where they can purchase thousands of unique products delivered to them from across the globe.

Participating Brands leverage Wabi tokens to obtain unique datasets on consumer behaviour allowing them to make superior marketing and strategic decisions. Moreover, the Brands incentivise users with Wabi to generate new data, thus enabling rapid hypothesis testing and iteration. Effectively, Wabi taps into corporate marketing budgets ($1.6 – $1.9 trillion annually), making marketing a lot more efficient for participating companies.

Technical Info


Wabi Roadmap

  • Pre-sale

  • WaBi (蛙币) closes pre-ICO raising US 300,000
  • 2013

  • Walimai was conceived in September 2013
  • Baby store pilot

  • Starting sales at first 3 baby stores as a pilot project
  • 2014

  • Official operations started in February 2014 in the Science Park of Zhejiang University in Hangzhou China.
    Walimai leadership engages in a strategic turn-around project for a global top-5 Infant Formula producer from April 2014 until January 2015.
    - Walimai is selected as the one of the most-innovative companies at Open Innovations Forum in Moscow
    - Walimai anti-counterfeiting technology is presented to Chinese and Russian premiers Li Keqiang and Dmitri Medvedev
  • Read More
  • ICO starts

  • WaBi (蛙币) ICO selling up to 40.000.000 tokens
  • 2015

  • Walimai engages top producers of baby food and alcohol with prototype anticounterfeiting technology.
    Walimai wins innovation grant from Jiaxing city municipal government and is incorporated in Zhejiang province, China.
  • Exchange

  • WaBi (蛙币) starts being traded on exchanges
  • 2016

  • iOS, Android APPs launched, new version of RFID labels developed
    Walimai begins sales in December 2016
  • Consumer purchase with WaBi

  • Activating sales of Walimai protected products through WaBi (蛙币). WaBi (蛙币)
    is used seamlessly by consumers to purchase products.
  • 2017

  • - Walimai signs up its first 3 baby-shops in May 2017
    - Wabi blockcain based loyalty system for safe products developed and implemented
  • Baby store expansion

  • More baby shops sell Walimai protected products. Start of sales of alcohol with
    Walimai labels.
  • Expand partnerships

  • Start of partnerships with producers and distributors of baby food and alcohol.
    Adjusting Walimai technology for pharmaceutical products.
  • Expand WaBi usage

  • Extending use of Wabi to other areas:
    - Loyalty programmes by product manufacturers (“airmiles for consumer products”).
    - Partnerships with insurance companies. Product insurance.

Wabi Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Alexander Busarov
Co-founder, CEO
Yaz Belinskiy
Kitty Xu
Marketing Director
Chi-Tung ‘Duomo’ Pan
Sales Project Manager
Arthur Pinchuk
IT lead


$462 645

Dmitry Korzhik
Blockchain lead
Wouter ‘Walt’ De Hoo...
Community Manager, Copywriter
Ju Fang
Customer Support Manager
Danjie Hu
Project Manager
Roman Tronenko
Mobile lead / Blockchain Architect


$10 000 000

Mario F. Pazos


$5 979 060

Igor Livant
Long Chiu

Wabi Last News

$ 0.0012
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
Weekly, %:
Monthly, %:
Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 70.938 K
Volume 24h:
$ 0.2631
Circ. Supply:
59.097 M WABI

Wabi Reviews


WaBi’s closest blockchain competitor, Walton, has a huge market cap of $130 million while WaBi is more advanced in terms of development. Walton has signed MOUs (Memorandum of Understandings) with many companies, but MOUs mean very little in China as the parties of the MOU are not contractually committed to anything.
China suffers from counterfeit products and the Chinese are willing to pay a premium for quality. For example, they pay a premium for baby formula imported from overseas partly because the authenticity is guaranteed.
The project has solid team members and advisors who can actually help the business development of the project.

Even though the Wabi Project is based in Singapore, Walimai’s operations are mainly in China, which is subject to a lot of regulatory risks relating to cryptocurrency.

Overall, we like this ICO both for its short- and long-term potential. Our thoughts of the tokens for short term and long term are as follows:
For ​short-term holding
Good. The project’s hard cap, team, business idea, and market awareness are all above average. However, due to the hype surrounding the project, the individual cap for the ICO is probably going to be low.
For long-term holding
Good. As mentioned above, Walimai is a good candidate to benefit from the favorable macro trends. We believe it has a good chance to be successful.

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  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
  • If you identify any issues or errors in this content, or if you wish to submit your own ICO project for listing, please contact us via email at info@icoholder.com.
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