The Crypt Game

The Crypt Game

Created using Figma
The Relics of The Crypt are a collection of 42,672 NFTs with predetermined attributes and scarcity. Their Provenance and Order are only known when they are minted by playing The Crypt. All attributes are on-chain for future utility in The Crypt and beyond. Not all Relics are available from day 1. They will be released in batches through subsequent chapters of The Crypt.
To be announced
Additional Details

About The Crypt Game

The Crypt is a massively multiplayer series of games and quests with its heart in the Lootverse. Along the way seekers will be able to collaborate and compete, uncovering epic rewards as they go. Being built on-chain, the game’s rules, assets and actors are written into the block-chain. This means that The Crypt is composable and rewards players with ownership of their spoils. Each game will be released Chapter by Chapter, building on the past and setting in stone the lore of the future. By starting simple and releasing regularly we envision the Seekers of the Crypt to help shape its future.

The Crypt Game Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • Chapter 1 was released in January 2022 and allowed original Loot holders to raid 16 dungeons and claim some of the rarest Relics of the Crypt.
  • Phase 2

  • will be released in March 2022. Now we invite moreLoot holders to raid 16 more dungeons and discover more of the lost Relics.
  • Phase 3

  • Chapter 3 is planned for release in April 2022.

The Crypt Game Team

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Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

David Amor
Dave Wilson
Iain Gilfeather
Luke Gibson
Mel Ward
Head of Production
Lewis Dunn
QA & Release Manager
Matt Buchanan
Art Director
Simon Adams
Principal Designer
Lucy Hill
Analytics and Tokenomics
Joe Best-Rotheray
Smart Contract Developer
Chris Baker
Full Stack Developer
Chris Farmiloe
Full Stack Developer
Rob Watkins
Principal Artist

The Crypt Game Last News

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