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Last Update

Sep 18, 2018

Tero Coin ICO
The world's first organic matter, the next generation electronic currency friendly to the earth, friendly to the earth. Based on block chain technology, Terocoin breaks down the paradigm that exists in the cryptographic ecosystem by completely backing up its assets in cryptographic token form and issuing a gentle and environmentally friendly currency to the planet. Protect the future for the benefit of all the inhabitants of the land, the most precious resources of this planet - the land itself, the empty undeveloped land, the land that rebuilds the land and rebuild the land, the largest private natural natural Reserve, oxygen production nature reserve, FOREVER.
PreICO - Direct token issuance to large contributors
Mar 15, 2019
Jul 1, 2019
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Goal 670 000.00 USD
Cap 6 700 000.00 USD
  • 1 TERO
    1.49 USD
Pre Ico
Sep 15, 2018
Mar 1, 2019
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
  • 1 TERO
    2.99 USD
Company Details
Registered Country
Costa Rica
Additional Details

About TeroCoin

Now more than ever, the world needs humanity to connect in order to create, to heal, to grow, and to live in harmony. The English word “earth” translates in the Esperanto language to Tero.

Terocoin (TERO) is a digital currency which ties token-value to a real asset with the recognized intrinsic value thus resolving the principal barrier to entry that many people face when first hearing about cryptocurrencies and crypto-digital commerce


Terocoin will utilize the measurement of square meters as a fraction representative of the value of each token created. That is to say that there will be as many Terocoins as square meters that have been acquired and preserved in the name of the Tero land trust. It will begin with a large piece of property of 1000 hectares located in a country internationally recognized as an ecological paradise: Costa Rica. The property will be allocated in square meters creating the first 10,000,000 TeroCoin tokens. As with Bitcoin, there are a limited number of coins that can exist, however, as with traditional economies, the currencies have actual physical backing.

One hundred percent of Terocoins will be backed at all times by land owned by the Tero land trust at a rate of one token being equivalent to one square meter of land held. At all times, the total number of Terocoins in circulation will be publicly accessible on Terocoin.org and the holdings of the Tero land trust are 100% auditable and publicly disclosed so that Terocoin’s users and other interested blockchain ledger parties can compare the total number of issued coins vs. the total square meters of land held, which will always be on a 1:1 basis

Technical Info

Terocoin will be launched as an ERC20 token on the Ethereum network, at its core all transactions will not depend on Proof-of-Work to process themselves, as part of our oxygen generating token, Proof-of-Stake is used.

Regarding the future of the project, important issues exceeding general day-to-day operations (example: In what country should the next batch of reserve lands be purchased?) will be voted upon directly by the users of the token. One token will be equal to one vote and decisions will be made according to the majority of the votes being cast. All voting will be blockchain based so there will be no possible manipulation regarding voted results.

TeroCoin Roadmap

  • Stage 1

  • We will issue a limited number of tokens based on a percentage of the land already held in trust by the Tero land trust. These initial tokens will be offered at an extremely competitive price (estimated to be $1.49 each) to qualified investors only. The initial funds acquired will be used to pay company debts incurred for acquisition of existing lands, for developing the technological infrastructure necessary for long-term operation of the coin storage and transfer ledger system, to cover legal fees for ensuring that the lands are only used as an ecological reserve forever,as well as to pay management fees of the land.
  • Stage 2

  • Tero coin will go to an initial open-to-the-public stage where tokens will be offered for sale directly to individuals and interested parties by Tero at a fixed price. At the present time it is believed that at this stage tokens will be offered at a rate of $2.99 each.
  • Stage 3

  • Tokens will not be able to be acquired directly from Tero.
    Instead, any tokens generated as a result of additional land acquisitions will be sold on
    the open market directly on exchanges that support Terocoin at the going market rate
    at the time of sale

TeroCoin Team

Verified 100%

Leo Quintero
Cofounder & CEO
Roie Sisso
Rick Bowen


$450 300

Carlos Reglero
Vulnerability Testing
Hugo Teijiz
Technical Development
Jesús Sánchez
Artificial Intelligence Consultant


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Flora Barboza Msc.
Enviromental Scientist
Luis Boscán Phd.
Energy Economist
Alex Graham Mba.
Fintech Consultant
Nils-Arne Kastberg
Development & Peace Consultant
Laura Lang Mba.
Agronomy Engineer
Elías Lira Phd.
Researcher Geoscientist
Miguel Modestino Phd...
Biomolecular Engineer
Diana Peñarete Msc.
Forestry Engineer
Ricardo Rangel Phd.
Reservoir Geoscientist
Manuel Solís Phd. (C...
Sandra Viada Msc.
Energy Efficiency Consultant

Former members

Diego Baranowa
Smart Contract Development

TeroCoin Interviews

Leo Quintero
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
TeroCoin is a unique value-backed next generation cryptocurrency designed by the TeroReserve Foundation to produce oxygen and preserve Land for Planetary Conservation through usability.
Roie Sisso
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Green Fintech for our next generation
Rick Bowen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Truly a revolutionary implementation of block chain technology...
Carlos Reglero
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Terocoin is One-of-a-Kind, earth-friendly token that helps the environment while providing a financial solution in form of a backed cryptocurrency.

As a blockchain developer and vulnerability expert, this project is of the highest standard with a long road of development with future implementations of blockchain technology that will revolutionize the use of cryptocurrency on a day-to-day basis.

I am extremely proud to be part of the development team.
Hugo Teijiz
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
As a technical expert in development, under different technologies and software architect with almost 20 years of experience, I am proud to participate in this project, not only for the technological innovation but also for the social and ecological impact that it has.
Diego Baranowa
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Smart contract development
Jesús Sánchez
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Manage artificial intelligence solutions for simulation , prediction and forecast.

Innovative, Visionary and conscious project.

TeroCoin Last News

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  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
  • If you identify any issues or errors in this content, or if you wish to submit your own ICO project for listing, please contact us via email at info@icoholder.com.
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