Sportcash One

Sportcash One

Created using Figma
A new financial system for the Sports & Esport Industry
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Platform, Sports

About Sportcash One

A new financial system for the Sports & Esport Industry
Sportcash One is a decentralized sports DeFi platform with an innovative ecosystem involving athletes, clubs, gamers, brands, and sponsors. SCOneX is the native token of the Sportcash One ecosystem.

Sportcash One is a platform that enables sports clubs and athletes to launch and sell their own digital sports tokens.

By enabling the sports industry to raise money by issuing tokens, Sportcash One effectively bridges the global sports market with the rapidly growing decentralized finance (DeFi) industry, giving sports fans the ability to finance and invest in their favorite teams and athletes, as well as buy, sell, and trade voting rights for a range of club decisions.

The ecosystem, including a Social sponsorship network with Fan engagement and Crowdfunding system, a Digital Wallet with a DEX exchange and Multivendor shop, where brands, shops, customers and athletes can participate together in our new ecosystem. Companies can use our products for fundraising, to reward their customers and sell more products.

Customers can use the SCOneX coins towards investment rewards, discounts or to take advantage of special deals.

Tokenization allows fans to invest in their favorite junior-level players or clubs to support them in making it to the big leagues. Financialized levels of engagement provides a source of revenue and helps develop more talent in a highly competitive industry. When a player is drafted and embarks on their career, the token value would subsequently track their performance metrics — essentially a real-world video game character with corresponding equity for investors, speculators, and fans.
Sportcash One Coins ($SCOneX) are in a central position, connecting all participants.

Sportcash One Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Roberto Moretto
CEO Sportcash One
Andrew Lubahn
Sponsored Athlete + Sports Business Blockchain Lea...
Brendan Reilly
Sport Partnership Director

Sportcash One Last News

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