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SOSR Coin is a stable and informative ICO project focusing on sustainable environmental development. The SOSR coin is a cold spoiler based on Asia's top professional team focusing on sustainability of controlled waste and soil recovery. The SOSR Coin team, in cooperation with biotechnology research institutes, soil improvement technology, and an independent construction team owns a high-speed and high-temperature reaction processing facility system. Also, we complemented the adventurous nonbiological enzymatic technology to disassemble. Each global patent document is listed in the white paper. We will use block chain technology to eliminate policies and borders and build a food waste chain that maintains environmental sustainability.
Apr 10, 2018
Sep 6, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
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Platform, Cryptocurrency, Business services

About SOSR

SOSR coin is issued by Asia's top soil waste disposal team and focuses on the three major axes of Sustainability, Organic waste disposal, and Soil Recovery. We provide an advanced high-temperature and high-speed processing waste disposal system. Together with biotechnology research and development laboratories, soil improvement technologies, and independent construction teams, supplemented by leading global non-biological enzyme mold decomposition technology, the plan will lead investors to achieve the following actions together.

Fastest Method: 3 hours to complete the processing of all organic waste (50 times more space saved) The widest range: It can handle almost all organic waste regeneration, supplemented by local resources, effectively converting waste to agricultural nutrients.

"Excellent Equipment": After processing, low-humidity organic waste can be immediately used as organic fertilizer to improve local agriculture.

Soil Improvement: Easy to integrate experts to deploy organic fertilizers to reform the local soil environment and optimize food production processes.

Mature technology": Since 2007, there have been two stable demonstration sites for food loss and damage prevention in the world.

ICO Fundraising: Eliminating all capital, political, and racial factors that may interfere with the independent capital establishment.

"Stable income": Fixed deposit ICO, 80% of the plant's net profit will be fed back by Ethereum repurchase

SOSR Roadmap

  • 2007

  • The renewable technology
    reaches maturity with Mr. Zhang
    Yongzheng heading the
    development of the technology.
  • 2008

  • The development of the
    organic processing system
    completes and is able to reach a
    daily processing capacity of 5 tons.
  • 2009

  • The first generation prototype plant is
    designed and built, as demonstration the local
    vegetation waste (discarded branches) is turned
    into fertilizer.
  • 2010

  • Organic material combined
    with decomposing material to
    create fertilizer development
  • Read More
  • 2011

  • Improvement in crushing development,
    second-generation batch-type mechanical
    design completed and enters production,
    overall efficiency double.
  • 2013

  • Improved method of combining
    organic material with decomposing
    materials to produce fertilizer.
  • 2015

  • Completes the mass production
    of protease and the 4th generation
    plant design. Production continues
    in the suburbs of Shang Hai.
  • 2017

  • The central state council of
    PRC designate Sichuan as
    the base for the 4th
    generation plant. Mass
    production implementation
    is successful.
  • 2018

  • SOSR coin ICO fundraising
    Starts globalizing project.
  • 2019

  • SOSR coin organic waste plant
    [City 1 factory][Processing Plant 1]
    Construction completes.
  • 2020

  • SOSR coin organic waste plant
    [City 2 factory][Testing Center]
    Construction completes.
  • 2021

  • SOSR coin Large-scale Processing Plant
    2/Major City 3 factory, Completed
    Construction and Operation, Module Factory
  • 2022

  • Small scale farm and livestock
    processing equipment
    Global route layout started.
  • 2023

  • Finished processing plant
    construction design
    Integrated wastewater
    treatment system
    Organizing the Third World
    Recycling Plant Team.


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Zhen Lin
Factory Planning
Jeff King
Marketing Planning
Thiago Godin
International Law
Brad Chao
Chief Operating
Jim Hsieh
Business Planning
Zhang Yongqi
Project Chief Executor
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  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
  • If you identify any issues or errors in this content, or if you wish to submit your own ICO project for listing, please contact us via email at
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