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    SWAY/WAVES 5 one year ago
Aug 11, 2017
Aug 30, 2017
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
  • 1 SWAY
    1 USD
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Registered Country
United Kingdom

About SkyWay

Most venture capital funds, large investors and monopoly-transporters perceive the new transport either as an unprofitable project, or as a competitor. That is why the western scientists produce electric vehicles, launch satellites, send tourists into space, and the Russian developments are gathering dust on the shelves, just because some officials or investors made such a decision.

Today, the portfolio of pre-orders amounts up to $ 164 billion US. Even a 5% of advance payments will pay $ 500 million of investments, past and present ones. To get these orders, we need to build a demonstration and testing facility of SkyWay technology «EcoTechnoPark” on schedule: the autumn of 2016 the first stage, and the autumn of 2017 - the second stage.

We created our own investment company SkyWay IT Solutions. In 2015, we began the capitalization of the string technologies with the help of crowdfunding (equity crowdfunding): everybody, who invests in this technology, can become the co-owner of the company and its intellectual property, owned by the company.

The plot of land near the town of Maryina Gorka , with the area of about 36 hectares, was allocated by the authorities of the Republic of Belarus (land lease agreement for 30 years with an option to renew it). On the territory of EcoTechnoPark there will be held the certification and demonstration of the technology in 3 transport market segments: freight, urban and intercity high-speed (speed up to 500 km / h).


SkyWay Roadmap

  • Investing

  • Funding of each stage of SkyWay group of companies
  • Polygon construction

  • Construction of the demonstration (testing) site, as well as transport certification
  • Implementation of pre-orders

  • Implementation of pre-orders according to the preliminary agreements
  • Profiting

  • Profiting from the implementation of the projects. Dividend payment

SkyWay Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Scott Baker
Brad Mccolm
Howard Schechter
Stephen Davis
Victor Kireev
Ruby Brown
Carrol White
Dorothy Troy

SkyWay Last News

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