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Securosys is extending the functionality of its hardware safety modules (HSM) for safe storage, access and use of blockchain and crypto assets keys. Securosys is a proven companionship, with a proven group, and proven products.
Nov 1, 2018
Nov 30, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Sep 1, 2018
Oct 27, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
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About Securosys

Secure management and storage of private keys for crypto assets and blockchain systems is paramount. Existing solutions like printouts or offline storage on USB sticks are neither secure nor reliable, nor do they scale for institutional applications. Securosys is extending the functionality of its hardware security modules (HSM) for secure storage, access and use of blockchain and crypto assets keys. Also, Securosys will develop secure computing platforms and key management systems, which are currently lacking in blockchain systems. To support and serve customers on-site all over the world, Securosys is going to expand its international presence. Securosys has decided to conduct an Initial Token Offering (ITO) to finance the development of the mentioned new platforms and the scaling of its existing operational business. These tokens can be converted into Securosys company shares. They entitle to the same amount of dividends as the corresponding company shares. Securosys has reserved 25% of its shares for this ITO. The following whitepaper details the value proposition of our business, the products we deliver and the token sale including the token mechanics. Securosys is a proven company, with a proven team, and proven products. Securosys HSMs protect the Swiss financial infrastructure operated by SIX Group AG on behalf of the Swiss National Bank, securing financial transactions of more than CHF 100 Billion every day. In 2017 Securosys had revenues of CHF 4.7M and an EBITDA of CHF 1.1M, and thus achieved the second year of profitability.

Securosys Team

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Robert Rogenmoser
Andreas Curiger
Marcel Dasen
Head of Engineerin
Reto Stauble
Head of Services and Biz Dev
Christian Willemin
Senior Account Manager
Andrea Schlapbach
Member of the board and successful entrepreneur
Hans-Jorg Bartschi
Member of the board and financial expert
Ronald Kogens
Legal & Regulatory Counsel, FRORIEP Legal Ltd.


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$1 486 085

Michael Guzik
ITO Advisor, Blockchain Valley Ventures
Yannick Zehnder
ITO Advisor for Community Building and Management...

Securosys Last News

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