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Last Update

Jan 19, 2022


QUASA is the decentralized platform with artificial intelligence for connecting individuals looking for household services with top-quality, pre-screened independent service professionals.
QUASA platform with artificial intelligence will help you find a reliable pro for any task
QUASA - the easy, reliable way to take care of yourself.
QUA emission
Feb 15, 2018
Nov 25, 2021
100% completed
$2 631 203
1.2 K
hard cap
105% cap completed
Goal 2 500 000.00 USD
Cap 2 500 000.00 USD
Hard cap 15 623.00 USD
  • 1 QUA
    0.4 USD
Nov 27, 2017
Feb 14, 2018
100% completed
$1 084 668
1.2 K
hard cap
108% cap completed
Goal 1 000 000.00 USD
Cap 1 000 000.00 USD
Hard cap 600.00 USD
  • 1 QUA
    0.19 QUA
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Company Details
Registered Company Name
Quasa International GmbH
Registered Country
Germany, Russia
Company Founded
Jun 12, 2019
Bonus Structure
33,33 %
Additional Details



Imagine that the entire system is integrated by artificial intelligence into decentralized distributed applications and transparent smart contracts.
This is QUASA - the First Open Blockchain Platform with artificial intelligence to bring people together.

Our platform was created to solve the biggest problem that humanity will face in the near future, namely to solve the problem of unemployment, so that people can find a job that they love, provide for themselves and their families.

The @quasagroup community of more than 100 thousand people, plus the revolutionary QUASA blockchain technology, will reduce the cost of finding professionals and quickly cover the current needs for high-quality specialists.

The main idea is to simplify the process of ordering any service as much as possible, excluding intermediaries.

Own smart contracts: A key component of the QUASA blockchain-environment.

Smart contracts QUASA work independently of the platform services. The effectiveness of smart contracts is based on the separation of functional and computing processes.

In the process of creating smart contracts, the following priorities and conditions were met:

- Reliability of performance of contracts (cleanliness of the code)
- Simplify the procedure for testing the smart contract code
- Works on expanding supported languages

QUASA provides a platform-marketplace for the dissemination of digital templates of contracts and agreements that have real legal value and validity in the blockchain environment.

QUASA is changing the global service industry, providing full transparency, traceability and optimization of interaction.

Each module for a certain type of tasks passes a single development cycle, consisting of a number of stages:

- Standardization of the order process
- Standardization of the service delivery process
- Standardization of the transaction process

Transparency and trust in the hybrid block environment QUASA is provided by a combination of technological solutions and authorization of users entering into business relations after the KYC procedure.

Absence of intermediaries, cost reduction and own crypto currency Quasacoin.

QUASA offers a standardized API for building private ratings.

All ratings on the platform have integration with KYC. Participants and users of the system can be guided by the ratings when choosing partners.
Each transaction carried out on the platform is mutually evaluated and affects the reputation of the participants.

The cost of providing services and methods of payment are the main parameters of the effectiveness of the economic model QUASA

The basic economy of QUASA meets two main criteria:

- minimum volatility;
- competitive cost of services

To ensure minimum volatility, tariffs are introduced for transactions and services of the QUASA blockchain-environment using the XDR (SDR) index. The IMF daily publishes the ratio of the XDR index (SDR) to the world's 20 major currencies.

Tokens become a prerequisite for using the service.

To use all modules and full functionality in QUASA, each connected company will need to use a set of services provided by the platform.
Payment methods are variable, the commission for services can be collected in percentage, be fixed, and can consist of any combination. There may be a zero commission, or there may be a commission payment at the expense of the seller, as in modern credit cards. In addition, "reverse commissions" are possible - material encouragement of users for transactions.

Monetization of QUASA services occurs at the last step of each successful completed task in the form of a payment, instantly increasing the demand for QUA tokens.

We have different ways to influence the growth in the value of QUA: each connected company is an information guide, every successful one is an even larger, louder information guide. Every time a company starts taking QUA, this is good news. We have a lot of such companies, and there will be many positive news, we will be constantly on hearing and will be able to influence the course.

Combining the most brilliant minds in global trade, information security, blockchain, and artificial intelligence, QUASA aims to fix the inefficiencies in a $150 trillion USD industry.

The world's first truly neutral and open platform for connecting people

Revolutionizing Everyday Work
Crush your to-do list with QUASA


  • The functions of the system are designed to protect clients and doers through the blockchain and the smart-contract technology in order to eliminate possible problems related to trust, information barriers, and legal costs 
  • The target audience of the service operates in b2b, b2c and even c2c models
  • QUASA Blockchain platform will help you find a reliable pro for any task
  • Thanks to the transition to blockchain and the use of artificial intelligence, we are creating a new environment that revolutionizes everyday work.

Technical Info

Standardization of the process of placing orders, which includes the elaboration of the technical solution for this process in the blockchain and the elaboration of a preliminary smart-contract.

Standardization of the process of closing deals, which includes the elaboration of the technical solution for this process in the blockchain and the elaboration of actual (real) smart-contract.

Standardization of the process of providing insurance services, which includes the elaboration of the technical solution for this process in the blockchain.

Standardization of the process of providing additional services, which includes the process of connecting carriers to the service.

QUASA Roadmap

  • Quarter 4, 2021

  • Making smart-contract on the base of all data about tasks and extra conditions
    Recording data in blockchain
    Auto payment according to smart-contract
    The beginning of the development of artificial intelligence
  • Quarter 1, 2022

  • Realization of insurance service, consulting and advertising
    Recording information about completed tasks and their status in the blockchain
    Beta application testing on the QUASA blockchain: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.quasa.piloteo&hl=en
  • Quarter 2, 2022

  • QUASA ecosystem launch
  • Quarter 3, 2022

  • First customers


Verified 10%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Valeria Slusar
Content-manager/ Marketing specialist
Viacheslav Vasipenok
CEO and Founder
Denis Krupnov
Developer https://www.quasa.net/en
Stanislav Sorokin
Developer Blochchain
Kseniia Morozova
Graphic Designer / Brand Manager


$769 612

Ratko Stambolija
Marketing specialist
Maxim Malcev
Public Relations Manager
Alexander Zuev


$3 715 871

Pavel Buchnev
Fullstack PHP developer


$3 715 871

Alexandr Minkin
Senior Software Developer


Verified 17%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Frederic Vedrunes
Adviser to the Board of QUASA
Eugen Ambur
Adviser to the Board of QUASA
Alexandr Surkov
Adviser to the Board of QUASA

85 ICOs

$200 731 059

Simon Cocking
Adviser to the Board of QUASA
Alejandra De Gaustad
Adviser to the Board of QUASA


$3 715 871

Bogdan Maslesa
Adviser to the Board of QUASA

Former members


$11 857 375

Fabio Silva
Adviser to the Board of QUASA

QUASA Interviews

Viacheslav Vasipenok
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Good afternoon!
Thank you for the opportunity.
I am the founder and general manager of QUASA

I worked for a long time in the field of logistics, and my path was from a simple operator.
In my duties was the organization of freight traffic, and therefore I know very well all the nuances and problems in the logistics industry.

Changes in logistics are not just ripe - they have become like a rotten apple.
Therefore, it was decided to create a universal blockchain platform for cargo transportation.
Our mission is to help cargo owners, carriers, cargo receivers and other suitable platforms to receive and move cargoes as advantageously as possible.
Alejandra de Gaustad
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the project? What do you think about idea? Thank you!)
Good afternoon!
Thank you for the opportunity.
I am the founder and general manager of QUASA

I worked for a long time in the field of logistics, and my path was from a simple operator.
In my duties was the organization of freight traffic, and therefore I know very well all the nuances and problems in the logistics industry.

Changes in logistics are not just ripe - they have become like a rotten apple.
Therefore, it was decided to create a universal blockchain platform for cargo transportation.
Our mission is to help cargo owners, carriers, cargo receivers and other suitable platforms to receive and move cargoes as advantageously as possible.

QUASA Last News

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  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
  • If you identify any issues or errors in this content, or if you wish to submit your own ICO project for listing, please contact us via email at info@icoholder.com.
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