

Created using Figma
Peanut was developed by Remme, one of the most accomplished and experienced teams in the crypto space, with a pedigree that stretches back years.
Peanut is a set of smart contracts that automatically balance prices after each trade to help LPs earn more and reduce slippage with no manual effort.
Feb 2, 2021
Feb 6, 2021
100% completed
$1 500 000
10% goal completed
Goal 15 000 000.00 USD
Cap 15 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 NUX
    2.5 USD
Token Details
Total supply
50 000 000
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Company Details
Registered Company Name
Registered Country
Company Founded
Jan 1, 2017
Additional Details

About Peanut

Our journey began in 2020, amidst the rapid expansion of the DeFi sector, with a special emphasis on the Uniswap DEX. The founders made a resolute decision to pioneer groundbreaking blockchain trading algorithms and transaction automation solutions.

In a brief span, our committed team has emerged as pioneers in delivering MEV (Maximal Extractable Value) solutions. Additionally, we implement a spectrum of strategies, encompassing HFT, CEX/DEX MEV strategies, arbitrage, and futures with spots.

As of today, the cumulative trading volume powered by Peanut's algorithms has surpassed an impressive $2 billion, stemming from over 500,000 trades. We remain committed to our ongoing growth alongside our valued partners.


  • Increases passive income
  • Lower risk of impermanent loss
  • Reduced slippage
  • Reward with governance tokens
  • No manual effort: Peanut does everything automatically

Peanut Roadmap

  • Q1

  • NUX buyback from Peanut alpha/beta products profits
  • Q2-Q3

  • - Impermanent Loss Reducing Platform for Uniswap High-Liquidity pools (ETH / USDT / DAI / WBTC)
    - Analytics functionality
    - Trade functionality
    - Smart decision advising algorithm
  • Q4

  • - Impermanent Loss Reducing Platform for Uniswap Low-Liquidity pools

Peanut Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team


$13 847 737

Alex Momot

Peanut Last News

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