Paradise Finance

Paradise Finance

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#1 Yield Farming Protocol on Harmony
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  • Defi Kingdoms
    EDEN/0XCF664087A5BB0237A0BAD6742852EC6C8D69A27A 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0001
To be announced
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About Paradise Finance

Mission Statement

Paradise Finance is a decentralized yield farming protocol launched and operating on the Harmony Onenetwork.The goal of Paradise Finance is to deliver high yielding farming products through liquidity pools, alongwithanNFTplatform in the quickly growing Harmony chain. The team at Paradise Finance took aim to fill the absence of any safe, community minded farmingprojectsonHarmony, among the various rugpulls and ponzi schemes that are common in decentralized finance. ParadiseFinance hopes to solve this problem by bringing a simple, safe, but efficient and user friendly project tothecommunity. For the long term, the team hopes to implement different utilities to bring more usecase totheHarmonyEcosystem.


Harmony One Is a layer two protocol using the EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) with shardingandhasfast TPS(transactions per second). The team at Paradise Finance chose Harmony to deliver the best newyieldfarmonanetwork that has recently garnered attention due to price action, and being an efficient chain with EVMandhasafast growing userbase.

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