Nova Blitz

Nova Blitz

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In online card games, players want to trade and sell their cards, have their cards grow in value, and own their own cards, and they cannot. Nova Blitz solves that with the Nova Token (“NVT”), which enables the creation, sale, and trading of cards across any card game. In addition, Nova Token provides a proof of stake method for gaining ownership of new cards that you can sell.
  • Market
    Volume 24H
    24H (price)
    24H (volume)
  • ForkDelta
    NVT/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 4.7E-7
    $ 11.65
  • Altilly
    NVT/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0002
    $ 99.71
  • Altilly
    NVT/XQR 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0002
    $ 3.53
  • Altilly
    NVT/USDT 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0001
    $ 0.1082
  • Coinlim
    NVT/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 2.469E-5
    $ 6.17
  • Uniswap (v3)
    NVT/ETH 4 one year ago
    $ 3.038E-5
  • Radar Relay
    NVT/WETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0002
  • Radar Relay
    NVT/DAI 4 one year ago
  • Bamboo Relay
    NVT/WETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0002
  • Altilly
    NVT/BTC 5 one year ago
  • Everbloom
    NVT/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 3.1606943309242E-5
    $ 63.21
Dec 11, 2017
Jan 10, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
  • 1 ETH
    1,000,000 NVT
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Country
United States
Additional Details
Platform, Cryptocurrency, Entertainment, Sports

About Nova Blitz

In online card games, players want to trade and sell their cards, and they cannot. Players want their cards to grow in value, but that can never happen. Even worse, your cards are not your own - they are licensed from the developer, and the developer can revoke that license at any time.

Nova Blitz will solve that with the Nova Token (“NVT”). The Nova Token enables the creation, sale, and trading of cards across any card game. NVT can also be used to enter in-game tournaments and pay for other in-game purchases. This allows NVT to completely replace fiat currencies in any game that implements it. Adopting the token will allow Nova Blitz and other games to grow revenue to $100M or more per year. This growth will encourage future games to adopt the NVT for trading, buying, and selling their cards, fueling even more growth.

Players benefit because they own their cards and can sell and trade them freely. Players will also benefit through entering and winning tournaments, without cheating and fraud.

Developers benefit because they earn 90% of NVT revenue, compared to 70% on Android, iOS, and Steam. And, developers will receive funding to integrate Nova Token.

Players: Free Cards

In addition to being able to buy, sell, and trade their cards, token holders earn cards through proof of stake. Stake your NVT on a game, and when the game releases new cards, you’ll earn copies of them. The number of cards that can be earned is proportional to the amount of NVT staked, so if you stake a large balance you might earn hundreds of copies of a single Legendary card. You will then be able to do whatever you want with the cards, including selling them to other players for 100% profit.

Developers: Free Money

Developers will integrate NVT into their games because of the large number of players who demand ownership of their game assets, because they can acquire players more cheaply, and because developers will receive a portion of revenues generated by the platform. As the platform generates income from use in Nova Blitz and other games, it will return that income to new and existing developers to enable them to grow their player bases, and to assist them in integrating the Nova Token into their games.


- Ownership: Player-owned assets on the blockchain

- Immutability: Identifiable by records on the blockchain

- Card exchange: User-friendly market to buy and sell cards

- Proof of stake: Earn cards by holding Nova Tokens

- Decentralized: Share of new Cards & Tokens on the platform

- Esports for all: Player-run leagues & tournaments

- Equitable: Fair fee-sharing with 3rd party developers

Technical Info

Technical details:  Ethereum ERC20 standard token. The source code:  The code is not available. Proof of developer:  Public Team.

Nova Blitz Roadmap

  • Current state

  • Game is complete
    Launched on Steam & in test on iOS and Android
    10,000 users across all platforms
    Supporting infrastructure is all operational, scalable, and tested:
    Tournaments, matchmaking, game engine, dev ops, servers
  • Phase 1: Construction

  • Token cards, bought and sold on the Card Exchange
    In-game wallet
    In-game purchases with NVT
    Marketing push. Goal: 250,000 users (15,000 concurrent)
    New cards released to NVT token holders
  • Phase 2: Growth

  • Card Exchange integrated into the game
    Tournament entry & payouts in NVT
    Self-service tournament system
    Marketing push. Goal: 1,000,000 users (50,000 concurrent)
    New cards released to NVT token holders
  • Phase 3: Decentralization

  • Card Exchange 2.0 complete, and running as a Plasma chain
    Card Exchange includes auction functions
    Community-driven in-game functions on the Card Exchange
    Marketing push. Goal: 2,000,000 users (100,000 concurrent)
    New cards released to NVT token holders
    NVT integrated in multiple additional games

Nova Blitz Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Scott Colburn
Audio Director
John Burnett
UI/UX Designer
Mark Davis
Server Engineer
Steven Stadnicki
Marco Williams
Jeff Alexander
Game Designer
Paul Barclay
Noah Callaway

Nova Blitz Last News

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