Created using Figma is a public limited company (BV) registered in the Netherlands. The company’s legal entities are based in Eindhoven, the Netherlands. Since December 2017 we have grown to a team of almost 20 professionals.
January 20 - February 28
Jan 20, 2020
Feb 28, 2020
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Goal 500 000.00 USD
Cap 9 400 000.00 USD
  • 1 TOKEN
    1 USD
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
The supply of circulating NEXT is currently around 4,000,000. The maximum supply is 30,300,000 and will be reached through mining (PoW) and staking (PoS) over a period of 15 years.

NEXT has both a marketing (5,000,000 NEXT) and development fund (6,000,000 NEXT), which will be used to build and promote the company respectively over the course of the next several years.
We have reserved 2,500,000 NEXT from the development funds for our IEO.
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Company Details
Registered Company Name B.V
Registered Country
Company Founded
Dec 31, 2017
Bonus Structure
No bonus structure
Additional Details

About NEXT

In early 2018, we began building our hybrid cryptocurrency exchange and Blockchain, NEXT.chain. Our primary goal is to make the act of trading cryptocurrencies safe, secure, and easy while not compromising on functionality.

Together as a team, we are taking all of the steps necessary to provide excellent digital services and are taking necessary steps and measures to operate as a regulatory compliant company that caters to the Blockchain and cryptocurrency industries which maintains appropriate KYC/AML policies.

Our team is diverse in nature and experience, all members have proven track records in software engineering, financial technology, management, and emerging technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence. Additionally, our team is supported by experienced advisors in the fields of regulatory compliance, management, software solutions, digital marketing, and blockchain technology.

Reason and purpose of our IEO:
Initial Exchange Offerings (IEOs) are a democratic and legitimate method for decentralized project financing. IEOs are hosted by digital asset exchange platforms that assist with marketing, investor onboarding and managing the crowdfunding process. In general, IEO’s carry a greater sense of trust and security. Having operated and developed our products for the last two years in the Blockchain market as a primarily community and social-driven project (our community actively participated in testing, feedback, and building our products), we are now at an ideal time to scale our operations.

The goal of our IEO is to acquire funding to amplify our operations in terms of development power, build upon the products outlined within this post, and scale our operations to move forward in achieving our business goals and generating revenue at a faster pace.



We’re, a unique hybrid digital asset exchange launched by our team of business and technology professionals at B.V, a company founded and based in the Netherlands. is part of a larger digital asset ecosystem built by B.V which encompasses: offers a hybrid approach to the market by providing a digital asset exchange that utilizes the advantages of centralized and decentralized trading solutions combined under one hood for maximum transparency, security, and ease of use. All while remaining regulatory compliant, rich in functionality, and simple to comprehend for new market entrants.

  • Individual wallets for each user (exporting your private key is a planned, we know you guys want your keys);
  • Fiat gateway (USD, EUR, more to come) and pairings for assets listed on-exchange;
  • Support for a wide range of digital assets and blockchains;
  • Regulatory compliance;
  • Own blockchain (NEXT.chain) with ERC-20 like asset listings;
  • Automated staking of Proof-of-Stake based assets for NEXT holders;
  • Adequate fees of 0.20% for non-holders of NEXT, and 0.10% for NEXT holders;
  • No wash trading! (Liquidity provision is okay, but trade manipulation is not allowed, by us and of course, by regulators)


Status: Released as MVP with community members testing. Stage-by-stage rollout during IEO. We currently have over 100,000 registered traders. 


NEXT.chain: our PoS/PoW expansion on the Bitcoin protocol

We used the Bitcoin Core protocol and expanded it with support for new asset creation, akin to ERC-20 token creation. Our assets will be of the 00X standard. NEXT.chain features Masternodes (25.000 NEXT used as collateral) that are entitled to seniority rewards and can participate in decentralized governance. NEXT.chain itself is a hybrid blockchain that combines both Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanisms. This unique hybrid approach makes NEXT.chain secure against 51% attacks and creates a fast, cheap, and secure chain that acts as the technological foundation of our digital asset trading platform.

  • PoS/PoW;
  • Masternodes;
  • API integration for third parties;
  • Merge Mining;
  • Asset creation;
  • Governance;
  • Support for short memorable wallet addresses;
  • Instant and private transactions;

Status: Live Network (Mainnet), Genesis block mined on April 23, 2019, 100+ community launched Masternodes, 2,5+ million NEXT soft-locked.

NEXT.genesis: A Blockchain-based crowdfunding platform with dynamic pricing.

  • Support for both NEXT.chain and independent Blockchain IEO’s;
  • Accepted currencies: a selection from top 5 cryptocurrencies, fiat, and stable coins;
  • Support for multi-staged fundraising;
  • Marketing support for interesting projects;
  • Low IEO launching fees;
  • Guaranteed listing on following IEO completion;

NEXT: Our digital asset and lifeblood of our Blockchain ecosystem.

Albeit difficult to label as a product, it is more than a currency and was originally deployed on the Ethereum blockchain but now migrated over to NEXT.chain, NEXT has an ocean of uses and utility unlocked on, applications on NEXT.chain, and NEXT.genesis.

Exchange uses:

  • Access to exchange fiat functionality post KYC;
  • Decreased (-50%) trading fees;
  • Priority access to trade newly listed assets;
  • Partial trading platform fee redistribution;
  • Automated staking of PoS assets;
  • Vote to list an upcoming ‘digital’ asset;
  • Reduced price listing fees;

NEXT.chain uses: 

  • Masternode collateral (25,000 NEXT);
  • Asset creation on NEXT.chain;
  • Merge-mined with BTC;

Launchpad uses:


  • Participation in crowdfunding.


As we continue to grow, the utility and use cases for NEXT will continue to be fleshed out and evolve.

And of course... A strong Community: During the course of our growth and development path, we have fostered a community of traders, blockchain technology enthusiasts, and experts in different fields.


Verified 20%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Gleb Jout
Chief Executive Officer
Christiaan Van Steen...
Founder - CTO
Shagen Arzumanyan
Sieger Joostens
Nick Latuny
Community management
Kemal Gunduz
Research and analytics
Martin Fewell
Graphic Design
Faisal Khan
Customer support services
Egor Kornienko
Robin Mertens
Miningpool Expert & PHP Developer


Verified 50%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Christopher Mobberle...
Technical advisor
Arthur Khachaturyan

NEXT Interviews

Kemal Gunduz
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Responsible for research and analytics at NEXT Ecosystem. Searching for legit projects to list on our exchange and help projects issue their tokens on NEXt.chain
What do you think about idea?
New approach to cryptocurrency exchange platforms. Combination of ease of use and security of funds by providing wallet private keys
Christopher Mobberley
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Technology advisor providing insights and assistance in solutions and architecture requirements as needed.
What do you think about idea?
NEXT is disrupting the market by deliver the best of both crypto exchange operating models. A hybrid of the best parts of Decenrralosed and Centralised exchanges.
Faisal Khan
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
Responsible for first point of call for all support issues.
Debugging and resolving all issues
Logging faults and managing response times
What do you think about idea?
Coin/token control to the users is something that has been sought, for a long period. Fiat gateway within regulations, no market manipulation, an exchange designed solely for the safely of the users.

NEXT Last News

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