Google Cloud Launches Web3 Portal: Industry Reactions and Impact Analysis

April 29, 2024 BACK TO NEWS

Introduction: Google Cloud has unveiled its highly anticipated Web3 portal, aiming to provide resources for blockchain developers, including datasets and tutorials on non-fungible tokens (NFTs). While the launch has generated both excitement and criticism within the cryptocurrency community, its implications for the industry are significant.

Mixed Reactions from the Crypto Community: The reception to Google's Web3 portal has been mixed. Some prominent figures, like Phil Geiger from Unchained, expressed disappointment over the portal's lack of native support for Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Similarly, crypto trader MartyParty criticized Google for lagging behind in the industry.

Positive Reception: Conversely, there were those who welcomed the launch, such as Ivaibi Festo, founder of Mitroplus labs, who praised the portal as a "comprehensive resource." The platform offers developers access to various products and tutorials on NFT development, Web3 loyalty programs, and asset security with multi-party computation (MPC).

Key Features and Developments: Google's Web3 portal provides testnet tokens for deploying DApps on Ethereum testnets like Sepolia and Holesky. Additionally, users can now search wallet balances across multiple blockchains, including Bitcoin, Arbitrum, and Polygon. Google updated its advertising policies earlier this year to allow certain crypto products, like Bitcoin ETFs, to be advertised on major search engines.

Preparations and Legal Actions: Preparations for the Web3 portal began last year, with Google Cloud integrating its BigQuery data warehouse with MultiversX. The company expanded its data warehouse to include 11 blockchain networks, enabling powerful data analytics for Web3 projects. In addition to these advancements, Google recently filed a lawsuit against individuals from China for fraudulent crypto investments through the Google Play store.

Conclusion: Google's entry into the Web3 space signifies a significant step towards mainstream adoption of blockchain technology. While criticisms exist, the Web3 portal's comprehensive resources and integration with Google Cloud services could potentially drive innovation and development within the cryptocurrency industry.