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United Kingdom
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Founded in 2017, NEST® is headquartered in the UK with offices in Singapore, Hong Kong and India. NEST® is the first blockchain company to introduce immutable trust, provenance and protected data ownership through decentralised identity protocols. The company is leading the charge to bring truly distributed controls and broadly accessible Web3 solutions to the world.

NEST® is a hyper-secured, real-world custody and provenance solution. Your ID, all forms of Web3+ engagement or formate of digital data-as-an-asset (NFTs) are secured by you, and you alone. Web3 is a user-led, user-owned rewiring of connectivity and services. For five years our team has been building the infrastructure and security solutions for tomorrow's global Web3 networks, solving for critical blockchain industry problems. NEST® gives confidential ownership-control of identity and assets, across Web3. NEST® is the next-gen blockchain infrastructure that sets the standard for confidential, distributed identity and cross-chain asset control. We believe that every person must have confidential control to their data and assets with immutable trust. Our Self-Sovereign Distributed Identity (SSDID) protocol allows individuals to make choice personal. Last News

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