Museums Chain

Museums Chain

Created using Figma
Museums Chain is a block-chain museum platform for watching museums around the world and discovering the world heritage. Teachers, students of all ages, families, young people, museum employees, etc. learn more quickly and retain more information, taking advantage of experience, not reading about the museum. Interest in the development of the virtual museum is rising. In the past few decades, numerous efforts were made concerning 3D digitization of cultural heritage, development of virtual museums.
Aug 25, 2018
Sep 20, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
  • 1 MSM
    0.2 USD
Jul 25, 2018
Aug 20, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
  • 1 MSM
    0.2 USD
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About Museums Chain

Museums Chain is a blockchain-based virtual museum platform for everyone to see museums around the world and to discover the world’s heritage. Teachers, students of all ages, families, young people, employees of the museum and others learn more quickly and retain more information by living an experience rather than just reading about Museums.The interest in the development of virtual museums is nowadays rising rapidly. During the last decades there have been numerous efforts concerning the 3D digitization of cultural heritage and the development of virtual museums, digital libraries.The 3D virtual spaces and modern technology are more and more used especially in the development of applications in e-learning and edutainment by cultural organisations and museums. The abilities, the restrictions and the limits of technology in this area have not yet been explored and defined, as the advantages that virtual reality offers constantly increase. The virtual museum is a sub-category of 3D virtual spaces and it is usually a replica of a real museum.We aim to preserve and immortalize the history and culture of a place or event. We hope that our project will trigger historical, scientific, artistic, or cultural interests among the visitors.

Museums Chain Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

William Andrews
CEO / Founder
Joseph Hudson
Ryanh Hill
Content Manager
Lucas Booth
David Walker
Senior Developer
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