Mt Pelerin

Mt Pelerin

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About Mt Pelerin

Bringing The Entire Bank On Chain For Fairer, Better Banking

At Mt Pelerin, we are creating a blockchain-based modular platform that provides a tokenization system to bring the entire bank’s* balance sheet on chain.

With an open approach that allows external banking and financial organizations to be included, this platform will leverage tokenization to democratize investment opportunities to the public while heavily rationalizing the cost structure of those financial services.

It will also be a bridge between traditional and crypto assets, accelerating the platform's global attractiveness.

The core principle at the heart of our project is the blockchain-based tokenization of the entire bank’s* balance sheet. Unlike other crypto-banking projects that merely offer to deal with cryptocurrencies as banks, we proposes a paradigm shift with a comprehensive banking system on blockchain.

With this ambition, our goal is to market a viable solution that leverages the benefits of the blockchain and cryptocurrencies to deal with the ownership and transfer of real-world assets. We want to systematize the tokenization of any asset or liability and make them available to all as highly liquid and easily tradable vehicles.

Our goal is also to provide a bridge between cryptocurrencies and real-world assets, which would finally facilitate exchanges between the two worlds and allow cryptocurrencies to become a much better mean of investment.

In practice, every time an asset or liability will enter our ecosystem, it will be instantly issued as ERC20 tokens immediately available to be used and traded on our marketplaces.

Mt Pelerin Roadmap

  • Q3 2016

  • Platform prototype
  • Q4 2016

  • Proof of concept with a Swiss bank
  • July 2017

  • Creation of Smart Execution SA
  • Q3 2017

  • Regulation and compliance work start
  • Read More
  • Q3 2017

  • Smart contracts & oracles v2
  • Q1 2018

  • Presentation of the project to the Swiss financial regulator
  • Q2 2018

  • Wallet beta
  • Q3 2018

  • Open-source release of the Mt Pelerin Bridge Protocol, the most advanced technical framework for the compliant issuance and lifetime management of financial instrument on the blockchain.
  • Q4 2018

  • Seed funding round
  • Q4 2018

  • Wallet release
  • Q1 2019

  • Main funding round
  • Q2 2019

  • Banking platform front end completed
  • Q3 2019

  • Banking platform back end completed
  • Q3 2019

  • External audit of IT and processes
  • Q4 2019

  • Target public launch with fiat bank accounts, cards and FX
  • Q2 2020

  • Crypto accounts, cards and FX
  • Q2 2020

  • Trade finance marketplace
  • Q4 2020

  • Loan products marketplace
  • Q2 2021

  • Business products marketplace
  • Q4 2021

  • Savings and funds marketplaces
  • Q2 2022

  • Real estate marketplace

Mt Pelerin Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Arnaud Salomon
Cyril Lapinte
Thierry Glauser
Eric Berling
Jingyao Jin
Yann Gerardi
Reynald Besson
David Llobet-Calaf
Trade Finance
Sébastien Krafft
Lead Developer
Azusa Kato Kozma
Japan Community Manager
Laurent Aapro
ICO Manager & Blockchain Security
Dan Quinton
Community Manager


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Yannick Zehnder
Marketing Advisor
Kuno Kennel
Dr. Jürg Conzett
Dr. Michael Stumm


$2 500 000

Marc Bettinger
Alexandre Kozma
Paul Wang

Mt Pelerin Last News

5.0 4
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team

Mt Pelerin Reviews

Strength and Opportunities:
The platform will offer consumers a single platform for multiple currency and crypto accounts with access to a variety of financial services. The fact that it is based in Switzerland adds an extra layer of perceived security and trust. If Mt Pelerin can obtain a banking license in Switzerland, it will be able to offer users the levels of privacy that the country is famous for. This may be a strong selling point for consumers around the world. The tokens are essentially equity tokens which differentiates them from most other tokens, and will allow investors to diversify their crypto investments. If the platform is successful, royalties equal to 20 percent of the platform’s net profit could amount to a significant cashflows for token holders over time.
Weaknesses and Threats:
Setting the platform up as a bank carries substantial risk. First there is the risk that the banking license may not be awarded. Secondly, if the license is awarded, operating as a bank requires expensive levels of compliance and capital reserves.
The business plan only provides for limited further fundraising beyond the crowd sale, which may lead to problems if the platform cannot maintain the required levels of capital. At this point the project is relatively unknown. It has not been widely covered in the media and the Telegram channel only has 1,010 members.
Mt Pelerin is embarking on a bold plan. Whether structuring the platform as a bank, rather than as a fintech platform, is the right decision or not is debatable. Even if the project is awarded a banking license and manages to raise the required capital in a crowd sale, the project will still be an experiment. It could however be a very successful experiment. The crowd sale of MPLIP tokens is a long way off and a lot could change between now and then. The immediate opportunity is the MPL tokens being sold during the private sale, and this is where there is a problem. The project carries significant risk on the part of token investors, and this risk is only being rewarded with 24 percent of net profits. The remaining 76 percent of profits will flow to the platform’s current shareholders. (20 percent of net profit is paid to MPLIP token holders as a royalty, leaving 80 percent for shareholders, of which MPL token holders make up 5 percent) Since the tokens do not actually serve a function on the platform, the required capital could be raised via a traditional equity sale. It therefore appears that this private sale is an attempt to take advantage of investor demand for ICOs more than anything else. If this wasn’t the case, the project would have already been funded by private investors. While we do like the project, there are significant risks and we don’t think investors are being adequately rewarded for that risk.

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