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LiveTree is an established, revenue positive, socially responsible crowdfunding company based in London, UK. Over the last two years, has captured 5% of the UK crowdfunding market (in the film and content category) and forged partnerships with several leading names in entertainment, including the British Film Institute Future Film, the Screen Arts Institute, Kent Film Office, Film London and 20 organizations. LiveTree has compiled a contact directory of 14,000 companies and thousands of individuals who work across film, TV and content creation.
Jan 31, 2018
Apr 1, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Dec 1, 2017
Dec 8, 2017
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Goal 10 000.00 ETH
Cap 174 000.00 ETH
  • 1 SED
    1 USD
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Country
United Kingdom
Additional Details
Platform, Media, Entertainment, Business services

About LiveTree.Adept

LiveTree is an established, socially responsible crowdfunding company based in London, UK. Over the last two years, it has captured 5% of the UK crowdfunding market (in the film and content category) and forged partnerships with several leading names in entertainment, including the British Film Institute Future Film, the Screen Arts Institute, Red Rock Entertainment and 20 independent organizations. LiveTree has compiled a contact directory of 14,000 entertainment suppliers and thousands of individuals who work across film, TV and content.

Having established a unique, successful and sustainable crowdfunding model2 for film and TV projects, LiveTree and its partners have identified the following problems within the entertainment industry:

  • Creative project funding, creation and distribution: The entertainment industry suffers from incoherent methods of funding. There is no best-practice funding model, with the result that project finance is often structured on a piecemeal, project-by-project basis, driven by access, timing and contacts. The same incoherence is true of the current content distribution process. Traditionally, new content is shared with the wider market via film festivals and content fairs. This route to market is frequently out of reach for creators, meaning that valuable content — potentially the next big TV drama, for example — can be overlooked. The current system also impedes broadcasters and distributors seeking fresh new content since it is opaque, inefficient and lacks a consistent mechanism for evaluating the market potential of projects in economic terms.
  • Content gatekeepers: The big online distributors, such as Netflix, Google and Facebook, act as creative gatekeepers for new content. By dominating the market, filtering and pre-selecting what is available to viewers based on their own profit, these corporates add yet another barrier preventing consumers from accessing the content they want. Consequently, content-makers currently have no direct, peer-to-peer means by which they can contact their — sometimes millions of — engaged fans, who would willingly pre-purchase their content and promote it passionately among their friends and contacts.
  • Bridging the gap between traditional creative industry and technology: Economic turbulence has taken its toll on creative projects, and budgets have shrunk markedly in recent years. Arguably, projects are becoming more dependent on personal connections, private wealth and insider knowledge than talent and dedication.

It is clear that a step-change is required to help consumers and creatives develop content within a structured, market-driven approach to distribution and financing. LiveTree is set to embark on a new project to addresses these industry challenges. This white paper sets out its solution across three key areas:

  • LiveTree ADEPT: A decentralized platform that reimagines entertainment’s value chain: the process of content creation, funding and distribution. Distribution is via Blossom, a game-changing, decentralized digital rights management system that is set to revolutionize how content is interacted with, shared and consumed.
  • LiveTree Seed: Supporting ADEPT is a digital token called Seed, designed to provide equality and remove gatekeepers restricting the market. Its value is created through demand, driven by its use throughout the platform and subsequent repurchase from the secondary market.
  • LiveTree Incubators: The Incubators, operated through LiveTree’s partners by Oscar- and BAFTA-nominated filmmakers, are designed to advance the careers of both emerging talent and experienced filmmakers.

By providing content and real-world projects, they also serve to migrate the current industry to ADEPT. In addition to delivering real-world projects that can be used to stress test smart contracts during the development stage, the Incubators provide content that can be used to market and add value to ADEPT, because the content is subsequently sold in Seed.


Removes contracts and connects an extended network. All fees are paid in our digital token: LiveTree Seed.

Cheaper, smarter and structured to build a fanbase who own what they watch and earn Seed from sharing it.

Blossom TV provides transparent gamification of the content you watch, all driven by Seed.


LiveTree.Adept Roadmap

  • MVP - Month 3-9

  • - First repurchase of seed
    - First pre-made content sold through blockchain
    - Early adopters form initial peer-to-peer community
  • Crowdfund - Month 6-12

  • - Migrates existing crowdfunding business from LiveTree to ADEPT
    - Seed repurchase using crowdfunding fees and Branch advertising
  • Network - Month 10-18

  • - Migrates existing 14000+ supplier/contract network
    - Smart contracts for all project team members
    - Introduces unique IP ad share of future sales fund models
  • Blossom TV: Indie - Month 12-24

  • Ground breaking pre-pay-to-view model launched enabling fans to pre-purchase film & TV they want to be made.
  • Read More
  • Blossom TV - Month 24 Onward

  • - Subscription (Netlix style) pay-per-view, advertising (YouTub style) models introduced
    - Blossoms enters mainstream adoption

LiveTree.Adept Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Ashley Turing
Cheryl Clarke
Co-founder / Investor Relations
Lennard Van Otterloo
Co-founder / COO
Stuart Leitch
Co-founder / CFO
Dr Jamie Ward
Co-founder / Technical Lead
Jennifer Barham
Marketing Consultant


$8 339 419

Alexander Mitrovich
Chief Product Officer


$11 505 000

Gustavo Guimaraes
Solidity Developer / Auditor Consultant
Andrey Zaytsev
Blockchain Architect
Edward Ridgway
Project manager

LiveTree.Adept Last News

5.0 4
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team

LiveTree.Adept Reviews

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert

LIVETREE ADEPT is a platform built on block chain for film and TV rights finding and distribution.


  • Profit share return: The   user backers are able to earn a percentage of the sales
  • Content distribution: The blossom enables the content distribution to the users and  are also able to prepay for the content they want to watch
  • Transparency: The ADEPT provides open and transparent benefits to the users in a creative film and TV content industries which are all achieved via the structure of corporate governance. The live tree is able to publish  all the internal workings of the ADEPT ensuring that the platform  in a completely transparent manner
  • The wide connections with other organization enables the platform to acquire optimal assessment  and partnership  building on block chain hence  improving  the network economy  and its community
  • Lower fees: The use of block chain reduces the involved fees  and generates  higher returns
  • Payments: The platform is able to effect faster micro-payments  and transactions by the ADEPT Ethereum  smart contract on all the currencies
  • The platform  team involved in the technical guidance team led by the CEO Ashley Turing  who has an excellent Artificial Intelligence  for regulatory compliance through trade surveillance


  • The platform lacks a well generated mobile application supported by Android
  • The users security is no well guaranteed by the use of Know Your Client (KYC )


  • Generate an easily accessible mobile application to fit all the users
  • Beef the security of the token holders through the inclusion of Know Your Client within the portfolio


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The LiveTree ADEPT platform is one of the most intelligently constructed entertainment distribution ICOs today, and, if successful, is about to significantly disrupt the entertainment industry. If you’re interested in keeping abreast of the latest LiveTree ADEPT developments, it’s possible to register for email updates via the LiveTree ADEPT website.

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