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Laminar its a open finance platform, powering synthetic assets and margin trading.
To be announced
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About Laminar

Synthetic Asset

Trade, use and earn interest on various financial assets. Asset efficiency - Traders only lock 100% of the value of an open position, with remaining risks filled by liquidity providers.

Margin Trading

Open leveraged short and long positions with up to 50× leverage. Instant liquidity. Capped risks and liabilities for traders. Potential profits locked by the protocol.

Money Market

Integrated. Earn interest while trading. Floating interest rate that maximize return while guaranteeing liquidity.

Laminar Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Ruitao Su
Chief Executive Officer
Bryan Chen
Chief Technology Officer
Bette Chen
Chief Operating Officer
Antonia Chen
Chief Economist
Ermal Kaleci
Senior Software Engineer

Laminar Last News

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