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Kiln is a staking platform you can use to stake directly, or whitelabel staking into your product.
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About Kiln

Kiln makes enterprise-grade staking easy.   We enable you or your clients to stake crypto assets, manually or programmatically, while maintaining custody of your funds in your existing solution, such Fireblocks, Copper, or Ledger.

Our mission is to accelerate the Web3 industry. We believe the world’s financial system is being rebuilt on blockchains.

Blockchains enable censorship-resistant money to be accessible to anyone with an internet connection, and composable building blocks for builders to innovate on permissionlessly. Ultimately we believe this will create a better world, with more access to opportunity, fewer rent-seeking middle-men, and fewer hidden systemic risks.

Staking is a core primitive of this new world: by enabling asset owners to use their stake to secure the network and earn a yield doing so, staking preserves decentralisation and provides returns. It is the Internet bond.  

Kiln Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Laszlo Szabo
CEO & Co-founder
Ernest Oppetit
CPO & Co-founder
Thomas De Phuoc
COO & Co-founder
Nicolas Maurice
Mané Damjanovic
General Counsel
Duncan Hoffman
VP Revenue

Kiln Last News

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