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Decentralized financial (DeFi) based on Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO)
  • Market
    Volume 24H
    24H (price)
    24H (volume)
  • CoinTiger
    JNTR/BTC 11 months ago
    $ 0.0379
    $ 147.351 K
  • CoinTiger
    JNTR/USDT 11 months ago
    $ 0.0241
    $ 9.279 K
  • STEX
    JNTR/BNB 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0099
    $ 0.6479
  • STEX
    JNTR/BNB 2 one year ago
    $ 0.0695
    $ 5.04
To be announced
Additional Details

About Jointer

Jointer is a commercial real estate blockchain startup with a combined $400B+ market cap worth of team experience remotely based in Silicon Valley, CA and Tel Aviv, Israel. Jointer is a Draper Network Venture and multi-award winning company. Awards include a $1,000,000 “Best Startup in the World” prize in 2018 during a worldwide competition between 4,000 startups and 196 countries, winner of the Disruptive Startup Award at Stanford University in 2019 by a panel of Google, SoftBank, Bain Capital, Thomson Reuters, Stanford Angels, BMW, Andreessen, NEA, and other top VC Funds, first place for the Disruptor Daily “Blockchain in Real Estate” Disruptor Award, and the most promising venture from the Carnegie Mellon University US-China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Association.


When developing Jointer, current tokenization solutions were investigated to determine their viability and benefits, yet highlight where they fall short and how Jointer brings true solutions to very old and painful problems. 


There is a public misconception that tokenization as a concept can help syndicate funds to purchase new assets or to unlock equity by selling a fraction of ownership or an income stream to the crowd. Even though many tokenization companies have raised tens of millions of dollars, none are feasible syndication solutions for properties not currently owned by the issuer. Regulation restricts future owners from offering equity in an asset they do not yet own.  (Unless the future owner is also acting as a licensed Broker-Dealer offering other people’s security.).  This means current tokenization solutions cannot solve the syndication problem like Jointer does and therefore, do not constitute direct competition to Jointer. Furthermore, it is accurate to say that there is a possibility that Jointer will partner in the future with those tokenization solutions offering to their clients the complementary solution they need.

In spite of all these shortcomings, tokenization solutions can allow existing owners to tokenize existing equity or income streams,  yet sourcing investment through syndication still falls solely on the owner. This means to syndicate a property using current tokenization models, the same costly practice of marketing and soliciting to many investors must occur in addition to any fees due to the tokenization company. The Jointer model offers existing owners a true solution, providing an end-to-end service for free, with one check at zero effort.

Technical Info

Using JNTR as a bridge increases the interoperability of the Jointer token ecosystem. With the ongoing Jointer Auction bringing in funds for a reserve, JNTR can support liquidity to Ethereum or Ethereum based stablecoins for all JNTR/x and JNTR/e holders. 


Jointer Roadmap

  • 2019 Q2

  • - Finalize Legal Regulation & Tax structure and documents
    - JNTR security token, smart contract
    - JNTR/x security token, smart contract
    - JNTR/e security token, smart contract
    - Find security exchange partners and perform due diligence
    - Partner with Broker-Dealers
    - Speak at events in local blockchain / startup / real estate ecosystem
    - Partner with security token consultants
    - TestRun: Identify properties for tokenization and run analysis on acquisition time
    - Private offering under Reg D 506 (c)
    - Smart contract audit
    - Increase community to 100K members
  • 2019 Q3

  • - Launch V1 Auction page for investors
    - Jointer - Bancor Integration for Jointer’s Reserve
    - Private offering under Reg D 506 (c)
    - Sign exchange partners
    - Launching an IEO
    - Tokenize multiple properties
    - Speak at events in national blockchain / real estate ecosystem
    - Commercial Real Estate and Blockchain partnerships
  • 2019 Q4

  • - Add JNTR auction and secondary listing to more security exchanges
    - Host a massive Commercial Real Estate blockchain event
    - Complete ElementZero live implementation to reserve
    - Publish a widely cited report on the Commercial Real Estate industry
    - Speak at events in global blockchain / real estate ecosystem
    - Tokenize more properties
    - Host Global New Year’s Event as a thank you to early investors
  • 2020 Q1

  • Add JNTR auction and secondary listing to more security exchanges
    - Identify non-security exchange partners for S1 liquidity
    - Complete S1 checklist for review by legal and audit on estimated valuation
    - Host a pre-S1 investors meeting to gauge interest amongst current
    - Tokenize more properties
    - Launch Jointer community initiatives

Jointer Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Jude G Regev
Lior Gal
Kyle White


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Dee Hock
Founder and former CEO of Visa Credit Card Associa...
Mike Lorrey
CTO Advisor The co-creator of the prototype of Bit...
Alon Goren
Founding Partner at Goren Holm Ventures
Professor Eric S. Ma...
Harvard University Nobel Memorial Prize in Economi...
Professor Alvin E. R...
Stanford University Nobel Memorial Prize in Econom...
Charles Dobens
Founder of Multifamily Investing Academy

Jointer Last News

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