House Coupon Token

House Coupon Token

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The NAREIG tokens are “coupons to purchase real estate properties”. Each token purchased at USD $1 cash value can be redeemed as $100 token value which is USD$ 100 cash value when clients purchase properties with NAREIG. (Limitations and restrictions apply). Since the company’s business has expanded globally, the token can be utilized in 12 different countries. The HCT has very stable value and it also provides liquidity through tokenization.
Jan 28, 2018
Mar 18, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Jan 16, 2018
Jan 25, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Additional Details

About House Coupon Token

NAREIG (North America Real Estate Investment Group Inc.) is the first real estate firm to offer real estate coupon token on the Ethereum blockchain. The token is named HCT (House Coupon Token). Established in Seattle, Washington in 2012, NAREIG is an international real estate firm which helps hundreds of overseas buyers to invest in USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Thailand. With solid experiences in both residential as well as commercial real estate transactions, NAREIG is planning to tokenize real estate coupon to benefit both international and local buyers.


The NAREIG tokens are “coupons to purchase real estate properties”. Each token purchased with $1 cash value can be redeemed as $100 token value which is equal to USD$100 cash value when the client purchases properties with NAREIG. (Limitations and restrictions apply). Since the company’s business has expanded to 12 countries (NAREIG has real estate brokerage licenses in the state of Washington, California and New York. For other states and countries, NAREIG partners with local real estate firms), this enables the token buyers to redeem the token value in these markets immediately.  By connecting the HCT with the fixed redemption value, NAREIG provides an anchor cryptocurrency which has stable value and provides liquidity for real estate coupon through tokenization.


NAREIG’s tokenization approach to real estate coupon sets an anchor value to the token, while many other tokens in the market proved to be unreliable and prone to volatility. The purpose of HCT is to provide a stable incentive that benefits real estate investors.


NAREIG is a US company with offices in Seattle, San Francisco bay area and Manhattan. Although NAREIG has its strategic partnership company in China, this token offer is solely released through NAREIG US Company (North America Real Estate Investment Group).


HCT is NOT any type of security, instead, it is a tokenized coupon.  The coupon has no expiration date.


  • A reputable company with 5 years of history in the USA
  • Have real estate business in 12 countries and millions of USD in annual revenue.
  • The roadmap is unlike other ITSs “already written”, NAREIG token can be immediately redeemed. NAREIG has already successfully operated for years and it is a mature platform
  • Clear upside because each HCT is worth US$100 after redemption
  • Since the token has a definite utility value, it acts like an anchor token. Any downside risk is backed by its clear utility value. HCT can also be used as hedging mechanism against markets downturns
  • Real estate market is considered a very stable a long-term investment vehicle. By connecting the crypto-assets with the real estate coupon, this will give the token holders a diversified, risk adjusted portfolio
  • NAREIG is not a newcomer in the real estate industry, it was established in 2012 and already have an established team. It is also the leading brand among Chinese high net worth investors.
  • All management team members have more than 15 years of managerial experience. Our team have solid real estate knowledge and excellent client relationships  

Technical Info


House Coupon Token Roadmap

  • Company Established in 2012

House Coupon Token Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Hunter Lin
CEO and Co-Founder
Kris Cheng
COO and Co-Founder
Scott Mallard
Managing Broker
Alexis Fernandez
NY Managing Broker

House Coupon Token Last News

5.0 17
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team

House Coupon Token Reviews

Overall, the ideas behind the House Coupon Token are unique to the real estate market, which is advantageous for those seeking to become home buyers. In addition, the team seems sound, as their years of experience is solid compared to other tokens’ providing teams. Unfortunately, the success of such a coin relies solely on increased demands within the market, which is highly risky because of the existing fluctuations. In addition, the set limitations might make it less desirable for consumers, therefore it is too soon to tell whether or not NAREIG’s HCT can be of success. To keep up with updates on the token, follow their roadmap at:

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