Hex Trust

Hex Trust

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The Institutional Digital Asset Custodian. Access custody, DeFi, brokerage, and financing services built on regulated infrastructure with Hex Trust, the leading fully-licensed and insured digital asset custodian in Asia.
Hex Trust is the leading digital asset custodian for the banking sector. Headquartered in Asia, the platform — Hex Safe - provides a compliance-focused custody infrastructure, deployment flexibility, and seamless integration with third-party service providers in the ecosystem.
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About Hex Trust

Hex Trust is the leading fully-licensed and insured provider of bank-grade custody for digital assets in Asia. Led by veteran banking technologists and award-winning financial services experts, Hex Trust has built Hex Safe™, a proprietary bank-grade platform that delivers custody, financing, and brokerage solutions for financial institutions, digital asset service providers, and private clients. Hex Trust has offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Vietnam and is expanding to the European market during 2021.

Our mission is to seamlessly integrate traditional finance with the digital asset ecosystem in a highly secure, scalable and compliant manner. Pioneering cutting-edge technology and security frameworks, we have a vision to become the world’s most trusted infrastructure provider in the digital asset economy.

Hex Trust is registered as a Trust Company under the Hong Kong Trust Ordinance and holds a Trust or Company Service Provider (TCSP) license under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing Ordinance. In Singapore, Hex Trust holds a Capital Markets Services (CMS) license from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) allowing the company to provide custodial services regulated under Singapore’s Securities and Futures Act.

Hex Trust has offices in Hong Kong, Singapore, and Vietnam and is expanding across Europe and the Middle East.

Hex Trust Team

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Alessio Quaglini
Rafal Czerniawski
Marty Jetton
Calvin Shen
Head of Sales and Development
Giorgia Pellizzari
Head of Customer Success

Hex Trust Last News

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