There is currently no effective decentralised unit of account. Previous attempts to create stable tokens have either relied on significant centrali- sation or have been undermined by their complexity. We present Havven, a representative money system which seeks to achieve price stability with respect to an external asset.
Havven is a dual-token solution, composed of a stabilised exchange token and the reserve token which backs it. Users are incentivised to maintain this distributed reserve, and to manage the potential stable token supply so that it is in proportion with the value of the collateral. Because the collateral is encapsulated entirely within the system and distributed among its users, we remove the need for a trusted central authority.
Such a stable cryptocurrency, useful for everyday economic purposes, will accelerate the adoption of distributed ledger technology.
Havven connects collateral holders with those who require low volatility, enabling an incentive based market for stability. Collateral holders are rewarded when users transact in the stablecoin, compensating them for staking the system.
MARCH 2018
Verified 0%
Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team
Verified 0%
Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team
Though the team is quite strong, most of the team members work for two or more projects at the same time, that can lead to a lack of attention to the project development. Among disadvantages we’d also mention unclear business and financial roadmap and uncertain plan of the platform adoption on the market and target audience. Anyway, Havven tokens may become interesting for speculative investors. Talking about advantages we’d highlight freezing period for the team and advisors funds, and the idea itself. If it shoots the effect may spread on other markets making the project perspective quite bright.
Many dream about stable cryptocurrency market. Havven suggests a new two-token approach to reach that stability and make cryptocurrency as usual as everyday purchases with fiat.
From a theoretical perspective, the token economics set forth by the Havven ICO are intriguing and represent improvements on the current market alternatives. The team have already demonstrated their capacity to build and scale a business and have developed valuable relationships with exchanges in the process.
Creating a truly stable cryptocurrency is one of the most pressing needs in the crypto space for establishing a pathway to decreased volatility and unlocking a greater number of use possibilities. If Havven can manage to pull that off, it will be a game changer. But at this early stage with little product development to show, we are a ways off from knowing for certain how the system will operate on the market.
Havven uses a dual token system to incentivize and reward users for maintaining the value of a stablecoin pegged to the USD. Users receive a reward for contributing stability to the network, and users will pay a fee for taking stability from the network (by spending the stablecoin).
The capitalization of the HAV token in the market reflects aggregate value of the system and the reserve that backs the stablecoin. The price of stablecoin can be used for making payments as fiat currency such as US dollar. It means relatively stable. The system should also encourage some adequate level of liquidity for nomins for acting as a useful medium of exchange.
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