GUARIUM e-Commerce Automation

GUARIUM e-Commerce Automation

Created using Figma

Last Update

Apr 18, 2018

This ICO with the application of innovative solutions, all producers and wholesalers can leverage hundreds of thousands of scattered online stores operated by individual entrepreneurs around the world.

This solution supports both branches and emerging stores.

At each of these stores you can purchase items using Guar Coin, which will gain a greater competitive advantage than other encryption currencies available on the web.
Jul 16, 2018
Apr 30, 2019
100% completed
$7 228 568
29.6 K
hard cap
46% hard cap completed
Cap 412 460.00 USD
Hard cap 15 467 250.00 USD
  • 1 GUAR
    0.01 USD
Apr, 2018
Jul, 2018
100% completed
$4 300
29.6 K
4% cap completed
Goal 35 000 000.00 USD
Cap 100 000.00 USD
  • 1 GUAR
    0.01 USD
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Country
United Kingdom
Additional Details
Platform, Cryptocurrency, Retail

About GUARIUM e-Commerce Automation

Guarium - e-Commerce Automation

Guarium to przełomowy system wykorzystujący technologię blockchain w branży e-commerce. Opiera się na stworzeniu w pełni zautomatyzowanej platformy, dzięki której możliwe będzie proste, szybkie i praktycznie darmowe tworzenie partnerskich sklepów internetowych w oparciu o pełny model dropshipping. System obejmuje wykorzystanie GuarCoin jako głównego środka płatniczego w ramach platformy.

Your own online store? It doesn’t have to be difficult at all.

Currently, every entrepreneur who decides to set up his online store is condemned on his own. Although it may seem that the development of the Internet will make online business easy and cheap, entrepreneurs still complain about many barriers. While large companies with large financial outlays have already developed their solutions in the field of e-commerce, there may be many difficulties for a beginner entrepreneur.

Currently, many people complain that running an online store is associated with high costs, the need to run a business, the need to purchase products, the difficulties associated with simple and secure payment methods and keeping records. This means that those who already have a high financial outlay and know-how can be successful, also know the market and are sensitive to the traps lurking there.

A breakthrough e-commerce system

The e-Commerce Automation Guarium system is a breakthrough solution that will make online commerce available to millions of people around the world: professionals as well as people who do not have more experience in this area. The system can be a support both for people who already run their online stores, as well as for those who want to create them based on a ready infrastructure. The system also supports manufacturers and wholesalers from around the world, providing them with simple sales.

An online store operating under the e-Commerce Automation system doesn’t have to be registered as a company. Anyone who wants to make a student and retiree in this way can be involved, it is enough that he likes to sell and wants to develop in this direction. Setting up a store with a database of up to 1000 products is free. What's more, you do not have to spend a zloty on products - they remain in the hands of producers and wholesalers who send them directly to the customer after placing an order on a Full Dropshipping basis.

What is full dropshipping?

The e-Commerce Automation system is based on the Full Dropshipping logistic model, in which the process of shipping the goods was transferred from the seller to the supplier. In this commercial model, the seller does not acquire the goods, nor does it store or store them. Its role is limited to promoting selected goods and collecting orders. This makes the store run essentially cost-free. The sellers don’t risk anything - they pay for the goods only when the client pays them.

Thanks to the use of e-Commerce Automation, starting your own business is basically possible without your own contribution. Communication between clients, wholesalers and sellers takes place entirely through an automated platform. It collects orders from all stores and distributes them between individual wholesalers and producers. This solution means that producers and wholesalers can easily promote their products by gaining access to the sales system, while sellers can trade goods without having to pay or buy.

What distinguishes the e-Commerce Automation Guarium system?

Creating your own online store operating under the e-Commerce Automation Guarium system is very simple. Just register and after a while we can start designing our own store. By moving selected tiles, you add new categories in your store. Each of the store versions you have created is immediately ready to start selling. The store can be configured according to your preferences, set the selected logo and start the business.

The shop established as part of the Guarium e-Commerce Automation system has an imported product database. You don’t have to enter each product in turn, add its pictures or descriptions. You simply choose from the huge database what you are interested in and enter the products in your store that you will sell. The entire system is very easy to use, intuitive. The store in this system can be run by anyone who has mastered basic computer skills.

What's more, the system is also very friendly from the customer's point of view. It offers easy shopping and secure payment methods via paypal gateways. Currently, people who want to shop in small, little-known online stores are often afraid of whether it is safe. If you run a store based on the e-Commerce Automation infrastructure, this problem is eliminated.

Financial system - token and GuarCoin cryptocurrency

The main goal of the project is to create an innovative platform that will change the face of online commerce. An important element of this revolution will also be the creation of an independent financial system, based on its own cryptocurrency - GuarCoin. Although so far the activity on the financial market was associated mainly with banks, cryptocurrencies have managed to significantly change this segment.

In the first stage of the project, GuarCoin will function as a token which is used to settle internal transactions. The token will be used as one of the main payment methods in the service, which will simplify transactions between sellers, wholesalers and customers from different countries. In the long-term, this will lead to the strengthening of the GuarCoin token in the external market.

When GuarCoin works as a token for billing within the e-Commerce Automation system, the next step will be to make it available through the most known cryptocurrency exchanges. Thanks to this, it will be chosen by people who want to invest and are looking for cryptocurrencies with high growth potential.

The moment of entry of the GuarCoin  into the cryptocurrency market will be related to the beginning of work on the creation of all related infrastructure, which in the future will also enable its "mining", so that it can also be produced. It is also planned to set up its own cryptocurrency exchange, on which traditional currencies will not be allowed. The complete anonymity of transactions and the exchangeability of cryptocurrencies will guarantee the use of blockchain technology.

What is blockchain technology?

Blockchain technology has been developing very dynamically for several years, really changing the world of finance. Traditionally, currencies based their value on gold or other precious metals. Today, many of them are based primarily on state or international regulations, which means that their strength is primarily determined by politicians. Cryptocurrencies operating on the basis of blockchain technology, however, operate quite differently. Their value is based on computing power of computers and real rights of demand and supply. This makes the cryptocurrencies that use this technology (the most-known of them is Bitcoin) are not exposed to the risk of inflation. You will not be able to simply print GuarCoin cryptocurrencies, so you can be sure that it will have its real value.

Affiliate system

An important element of Guarium - e-Commerce Automation is the affiliate system. It causes that when a customer makes purchases in one of the stores established on this platform, other sellers also use it. How is this possible? If you invite a client and he purchases it in your store, the next time he makes a purchase from another store belonging to the system, you will also get a commission for it. Every client you enter into the system is assigned to you.

What can I gain?

By joining the sales platform of Guarum e-Commerce Automation, you can set up your own online store in a simple and convenient way, without extensive formalities, without having to register your own company and, very importantly, without having to have your own large financial expenses.

This is a simple way to start a shop based on professional software and a full dropshipping model. Running a store doesn’t involve high risk, it can be our main source of income or additional occupation. Commissions earned in the system are paid in GuarCoin, BitCoinach, Etherneum or USD.

It pays to join the system as soon as possible. This is related to the fact that with the development of the GuarCoin system infrastructure, it will enjoy growing interest and increase its value. This means that people who came into possession of GuarCoin relatively early may expect that it will increase its value by leaps and bounds. On a similar basis, people who purchased for a small amount of Bitcoin at the very beginning of the existence of this cryptocurrency, after a few years could enjoy a large sum of money.


The global e-Commerce market is rapidly growing every year. In 2017, the B2C global online sales market amounted to as much as 2.3 trillion dollars and it is estimated that by 2021 it will amount to 4.5 trillion dollars which shows the worldwide trend in terms of the way people spend their money.

Imagine there is a system where everyone who wants to start their online business does it without any obstacles by entering their e-mail address on the website to become the owner of their own online store. And literally, it takes only a short while.

The store is equipped with categories with millions of products (the free version is limited to one thousand products). By moving the certain tiles they create a category layout, and thus each store becomes unique and one of a kind, almost immediately ready to sell products on the web. Every owner of such a store changes its logo and configures it according to their own assumptions.

Fully automated logistics system will make the ordered product sent directly by the warehouse to your client. You do not have to deal with it! All you have to do is to check the sales profit that accumulates in your account and that’s it.

Imagine that in the entire e-Commerce Automation system we introduce our own coin into circulation for value exchange. It is GuarCoin. Imagine that we allow you to use it in hundreds of thousands of e-Commerce stores.

The e-Commerce Automation solution was designed for entrepreneurs who run their businesses, who are wholesalers or producers and look for the best possible way to sell their products on a large scale with little effort on their part. Thanks to the e-Commerce Automation platform, they receive a ready solution ensuring easy distribution for their products.

E-Commerce Automation was also created for people who want to turn a small company into a big one, and at the same time enjoy the freedom of work from any place in the world.

The Blockchain technology has opened huge opportunities for thousands of entrepreneurs around the world. Thanks to the technology, it is possible to protect your customers’ data. You can also use it as an internal payment system of your own ecosystem.

Today, we can enjoy the benefits from the solution that allows you to connect the two fastest growing markets - the e-Commerce industry and Blockchain technology.

E-Commerce stores have been associated with a single online store so far, where every entrepreneur ran his own business. However, the combination of advanced mechanisms allows you to create the in the entire infrastructure in a way that each person running an online store which is a part of the entire e-Commerce ecosystem.

Everyone works for the success of each store owner and support one another with the use of an extensive affiliate engine. The customer network of all stores is connected with one chain. It means that regardless of place of residence, every client recommended to the system, is automatically assigned to the chain.

In addition, the internal system of exchanging values with the use our own tokens simplifies the purchasing processes, providing additional benefits to clients using our GuarCoin tokens. This is just one of the numerous possibilities offered by the Blockchain technology.

The system will operate based on full dropshipping. Dropshipping is a logistic model of online sales involving the transfer of the shipment process of goods to the supplier. The role of the online store in this logistic model is minimized to collecting orders and sending them to the supplier who deals with the shipment of the goods to the customer. It means that you pay for the goods only when your client pays you.

Imagine that you have a solution at your disposal, in which there is no competition despite many other stores belonging to the e-Commerce Automation system. In fact, you are always in a winning position, because you own not only your store, but you have the opportunity to promote other stores located throughout the system. Thanks to this, you earn commissions from the products in those stores, and your referral client is always your client in the entire system. It means that from now on, whenever you make purchases within the e-Commerce Automation system - you will receive a commission from every penny you spend.

Sometimes we see some investment and we are convinced that it will certainly be great and there is no risk. However, as in any business, something unpredicted might happen that will prevent us from implementing our plans. Projects based solely on plans, but no steps have been taken to implement it, usually involve the greatest investment risk.

Zwróć uwagę na jedną rzecz. Kiedy rozpoczęliśmy wdrażanie naszego projektu, nie musieliśmy wykorzystywać zewnętrznego kapitału, aby go wdrożyć. Naszym celem nie jest pozyskanie kapitału na stworzenie projektu, ale na jego wielką dynamikę, tak szybko, jak to tylko możliwe. Jako świetny zespół biznesowy wykazaliśmy już, że uzyskanie obrotu w wysokości kilku milionów dolarów nie stanowi dla nas problemu, wręcz przeciwnie. Jeśli mamy świetny produkt, wiemy, jak zarabiać na nim pieniądze, a dziś możemy skorzystać z inwestorów, którzy kupują tokeny GuarCoin.

Zapewnia to nie tylko stabilność całego projektu, ale przede wszystkim gwarantuje stały wzrost wartości żetonów GuarCoin i daje nam znacznie więcej okazji do realizacji całego projektu.

GUARIUM e-Commerce Automation Roadmap

  • JANUARY 2016

  • Infrastructure planning
    Preparation of the entire concept and creation of a business plan of the entire e-Commerce Automation structure.
  • MAY 2016

  • Affiliate engine creation
    An advanced differential-linear affiliate engine was created to distribute commissions from sold products connected to the entire system. System tests were carried out on a group of over 15,000 customers.
  • APRIL 2017

  • I STAGE - a database system
    A database system was created to support the flow of multi-million bases of goods and orders.
  • DECEMBER 2017

  • Integration with wholesalers
    The first wholesalers were connected to the central storage system. A database of over 140,000 products of various kinds was imported.
  • Read More
  • JANUARY 2018

  • The visual part of the data exchange system
    The completion of construction works of the platform for the exchange of goods, being a connection between producers and wholesalers with the owners of online stores
  • APRIL 2018

  • Pre ICO phase
    The first 10% of tokens areavailable for distribution to determine the ICO price in order to collect funds for tne completion of the project. A total of 3.5 billion Guar Coin tokens. The estimated share of value in the Pre ICO phase is 35 million dollars.
  • JUNE 2018

  • Integration of the system and payment gateways
    The last phase of the system integration into a two-way communication system to providethe flow of goods and orders between wholesalers and owners of online stores.
  • JULY 2018

    30% of tokens are released for purchase in order to raise capital for further development. It will allow us to create a modern exchange system for digital currencies based on Blockchain technology and prepare the entire e-Commerce Automation system for going international.
  • AUGUST 2018

  • Pre-launch and online stores
    Pre-launch phase of the entire e-Commerce Automation system in the first country aimed at identifying people who want to run their own, maintenance and cost free online stores.
  • OCTOBER 2018

  • The official start of e-Commerce Automation
    A fully automated sales network is launched connecting manufacturers and wholesalers with a huge and powerful affiliate network that turns people running their own online stores into a lever for selling products.
  • DECEMBER 2018

  • Virtual Shopping Malls - 3D Shop View
    Launch of PREMIUM solutions for producers who want to stand out and create innovative sales solutions in connection with the entire e-Commerce Automation system.
  • MARCH 2019

  • Beginning of work on your own cryptocurrency market exchange
    Creating our own token exchange system online. The official release of Guar Coin to the external circulation outside the e-Commerce Automation network.
  • APRIL 2019

  • International expansion
    The beginning of works aimed at introducing the entire e-Commerce Automation system in other countries to take over a large share of the 5 billion e-Commerce market in Europe alone.
  • AUGUST 2019

  • Hard Fork Guar Coin
    The beginning of work on our own infrastructure for GuarCoin as an independent digital currency with its own blockchain technology.

  • We will constantly work on the development of the entire e-Commerce Automation organization as well as the implementation of the possibilities of increasing the value of GuarCoin with the use of blockchain technology.

GUARIUM e-Commerce Automation Team

Verified 100%

Grzegorz Ciupek
Rafał Gibas
Rafał Malik
Przemysław Zakrzewsk...
Rafał Rzenno
Artur Ścibisz
Alicja Siuda
Karolina Juda
Bartłomiej Mytnik
Mateusz Kosiek
Katarzyna Butrym
Anna Prygiel


Verified 17%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Jacek Dudzic
Leszek Forytta
Michał Krzyżanowski
Anna Katarzyna Niety...


$7 232 868

Radosław Stawiarski
Przemysław Szczęch

GUARIUM e-Commerce Automation Interviews

Grzegorz Ciupek
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am extremely excited to share with you the information about the unique project in the
e-Commerce industry.
I am very happy that after many months of hard work, full of meetings and long conversations
about the business plan and its implementation by our entire team, we can finally present this
white paper to you. You will find all the necessary information about what we have prepared
together to make the whole system of automatic online sales the beginning of a great journey,
which I cordially invite you to join.
I believe that the e-Commerce Automation project, a fully-automated e-Commerce platform
in Full Dropshipping technology, with a powerful network of AFFILIATE stores and its own
financial infrastructure, will completely revolutionize e-commerce. E-Commerce is a market
worth over 272 billion dollars in Europe alone and over 2.3 trillion dollars worldwide. Therefore,
think about the potential of growth for all of us, based on this profitable industry.
I am deeply convinced that together we will create a powerful ecosystem, made up of enterprising
people, setting up their own fully automated and cost-free online stores, enabling
millions of people around the world to do convenient shopping.
Thanks to our own GuarCoin tokens, the main means of payment used for purchases in the
e-Commerce Automation system, we will increase their value in a natural way through increasing
demand for them. They will become a great bargain also for stock exchange investors.
What distinguishes e-Commerce Automation is its own advanced ecosystem of affiliation and
It connects manufacturers of goods and wholesalers of many industries around the
world with individual entrepreneurs, already running their own online stores and people
who want to run fully automated online stores with the entire financial infrastructure
based on Blockchain technology.
Together with the whole fully committed team, we are ready as never before to support,
help and provide the highest quality of service to all our partners who trust us by joining
this unique enterprise. As the CEO of the project, I am extremely excited because the
time has come when to bring immense value to the world together.
Thank you all for your great support.
I am glad that you can become part of this unique project, which will help us all change
the lives of millions of people around the world.
Rafał Gibas
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I decided to take part in the e-Commerce Automation project due to the huge scale of passion for people. Manufacturers and wholesalers are looking for a market for their products. Customers want to buy comfortably and always confidently.
GUARIUM e-Commerce Automation gives you plenty of opportunities to improving the quality of your business and life.
Rafał Malik
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Przemysław Zakrzewski
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am proud to be a part of the highly experienced team of programmers developing Guarium e-Commerce Automation project. This revolutionary system will enable to create, extend and market every e-commerce business. The offer composed of conscientiously selected products delivered directly by the vast range of manufacturers and dropshipping suppliers will distinguish your business in an extremely competitive market.
Rafał Rzenno
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
In this project I am responsible for marketing and image strategy. Creating campaigns in social media and marketing materials.
Artur Ścibisz
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
With vast experience in marketing, currently, he manages the department preparing the image of thousands of products available in the central e-Commerce Automation system.
Alicja Siuda
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am responsible for current financial matters of the company and I care about proper development. I support and advise the CEO as well as supervising the assignment of business strategies.
Karolina Juda
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Iam an expert in brand and image building online. I manage Socialmedia department. I am responsible for all promotional and advertising activities aimed at creating a strong image of e-Commerce Automation.
Bartłomiej Mytnik
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm dealing with developement, identification, implementation and mainteance of our systems.
I'm also supervisor of technical support team and I'm responsible of flow of goods in our dropshipping system.
Mateusz Kosiek
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
e-Commerce Automation is my biggest professional success. Years of experience and the market analysis has allowed us to create something perfect and with great potential.  
I am convinced that in the long term the project will become the best way to connect markets and clients from around the world, which will definitely become an individual success of many companies. From my point of view, the entire system structure is ahead of time and allows us to enter a better dimension of sales and profits. Modern, innovative – simply perfect.
I cordially invite you to join the group, which in my opinion is a grain of success not only now, but above all in the near future.
Katarzyna Butrym
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am customer service expert with eight years of experience in the position. I have managed the department responsible for providing high quality services since 2016. Currently, over 15,000 customers are served by my department.
Anna Prygiel
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am an expert in the field of payment settlements with the use of Fiat and cryptocurrency. I supervise the billing department dealing with payments and withdrawals. I am responsible for maintaining correct financial flow.
Przemysław Szczęch
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
Great idea!

GUARIUM e-Commerce Automation Last News

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