Frii World

Frii World

Created using Figma
Empowering A New Generation Of
Web3 Enabled Transactions
Enabling tomorrow's technoloy, today
Our Cross-Platform Payment Gateway, Built For All Networks
Seamlessly integrating Web3 with the existing Web2 global payment infrastructure
To be announced
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Registered Country
United Kingdom
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About Frii World

A connected world where transactions become interactions

Frii Imagines commerce without boundaries, leveraging the best of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 technologies, to connect Merchants, Consumers, Brands and Networks in a single transaction

Frii Pay
A New Web 3.0 Payment Network

We are setting standards for future commerce based on best practices established over the last 20 years, building a framework for Web 3.0 payments, to support and protect consumers, merchants and providers


    Special Merchant Accounts for Web 3.0

    On-chain wallets with customised features for retail payments


    Daily settlements

    Automated off-ramping of takings into merchant FIAT account


    Chargeback Arbitration

    Ensuring Consumer rights protection through peer review processes


    AML & Fraud Monitoring

    KYC & real-time analytics that watch for and flag questionable behaviour

Frii World Team

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Farhaan Dawood
Founder & Ceo
Nabeel Choudhry
Co-Founder & CTO


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Robert Ashcroft
Strategic Advisor
Jonathan Matai
Strategic Advisor

Frii World Last News

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