

Created using Figma
Finom is a blockchain company formed as a result of merger of cryptotrading app Tabtrader, mining pool Nanopool, cryptocurrency exchange Cryptonit, brokerage app and mining farm Cryptal. We plan to create a blockchain ecosystem with single point of entry and AI assistant. Any user, regardless of his/ her experience, can manage digital currency and assets conveniently and easily. All users will be able to access all our services via single account. We also work on creating new products: miner, cloud mining, banking services. In November we start the largest tokenized equity offering compliant with Reg D of SEC. During the tokensale we offer a share in real business being profitable for more than 5 years with voting rights and dividends!
Nov 15, 2017
Dec 30, 2017
100% completed
$41 285 459
100% goal completed
  • 1 FIN
    2 USD
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details
Platform, Cryptocurrency, Business services

About Finom

Finom is a Blockchain company founded after the merger of market leaders - trading app TabTrader, mining multipool Nanopool, exchange Cryptonit - along with mining farm Cryptal and brokerage app

Finom is building the genetic code of the future economic and financial system.

Guided by the principles of transparency and security, we create one universal and low cost tool for an easy management and access to finance.

We use Blockchain technology to create trustworthy and convenient financial services. They allow users all over the world to become more independent, to improve their material prosperity and to be sure of safety of their investments.

We make the world of finance available to everyone for unrestrained economic evolution.


Any user, regardless of level of experience of size of savings, can easily and convemiently use digital currencies and assets.
Paying with cryptocurrency anywhere in stores is as easy as with a bank card.
All transactions are transparent and the legimate origin of funs is instantly verifiable.
Capital moves freely aroun the world.

Technical Info

Technical details:  Ethereum ERC20 standard token. The source code:  The code is not available. Proof of developer:  Public Team.

Finom Roadmap

  • 2012

  • - Cryptonit Exchange founded
    - TabTrader founded
  • 2013

  • - TabTrader switches to trading in cryptocurrency
    - Cryptonit starts working with altcoins (Feathercoin) and together with the Namecoin team provides the infrastructure for the Dot-Bit project. Also becomes a pioneer in Paypal Bitcoin buying/selling services
  • 2014

  • - The TabTrader and Cryptonit teams get acquainted at an exhibition and join together to develop a broker application
    - TabTrader creates the first crypto ATM in Russia, and also as a technological challenge implements video streaming from mobile devices six months before the release of Periscope
  • 2015

  • - The basis of Nanopool, the pool for Ethereum
    - TabTrader completes an accelerator programme in Amsterdam and receives a grant from the EU for € 100,000
    - Cryptonit introduces the purchase of cryptocurrency using Visa and MasterCard
  • Read More
  • 2016

  • - Nanopool adds 4 new coins
    - Nanopool and TabTrader begin developrnent of Cryptogen Miner
    - Cryptal Mining Farm launched
    - Cryptonit introduces LMAX Disruptor technology to increase transaction processing speed 1000 times and bring the exchange to enterprise level
  • 2017

  • - Foundation of the umbrella company Finom
  • 1 Nov 2017 - 30 Dec 2017

  • Placement of tokenized shares
  • After the placement of shares

  • - Cryptogen Miner: Alpha release
    - launch web version
    - Cryptonit: Ethereum support
  • 2018

  • - Multi-currency FINOM wallet
    - Cryptonit: SOFORT deposits, add card gateway, debit cards, private blockchain
    - Mining Farm: launching 4 farms
    - Cryptogen Miner: MC, XMR rnining, GUI upgrade, mining history charts, new miner protocol
    - new payment methods (SOFORT Banking, Yandex.Money), real-time verification, secure Bitcoin storage, Bitcoin selling, GEO-based p2p exchange
  • 2019

  • - Cryptonit: EU regulated cryptocurrency exchange, OTC trading, leverage trading, MT5 support, cash deposits, Federal US cryptocurrency exchange license
    - Mining farms: launching 4 farms
    - TabTrader: FOREX trading, stock and commodity trading
    - Cryptogen Miner: mobile application
    - in-house credit card processing gateway
    - Data centers: design and construction
    - Banking: p2p loans, insurance, factoring, processing, acquiring payments via cards crowdfunding platform
  • 2020

  • Data centers: design, construction, commissioning, complex text, AI assistant

Finom Team

Verified 67%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Kirill Suslov
Chief Executive Officer
Denis Suslov
Chief Financial Officer
Alexandr Barkovskiy
Chief Technology Officer
Yegor Karatov
Chief Compliance Officer
Rustam Kutuev
Business Developer
Vladislav Alushkin
Chief Security Officer


Verified 100%

Robbert Boss
Advisor (CPO & Co-Founder of BUX)

25 ICOs

$143 114 210

Michael Terpin
Advisor (Founder and CEO of Transform Group, Advis...

Finom Last News

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