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EvenToken ( " the platform " ) is a decentralized sponsorship platform for event planners. Using blockchain technology, the EvenToken is dedicated to assisting off-line event planners to overcome the greatest challenge they face worldwide – sponsorship.
Token Sale
May 18, 2019
May 19, 2019
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Cap 1 500 000.00 USD
Hard cap 6 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 EST
    0.0675 USD
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
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About EvenToken

EvenToken ( " the platform " ) is a decentralized sponsorship platform for event planners. Using blockchain technology, the EvenToken is dedicated to assisting off-line event planners to overcome the greatest challenge they face worldwide – sponsorship. EvenToken enables event planners to initiate sponsorship as early as possible through public sponsorship that will incubate even more interesting and meaningful events. In the meantime, sponsors will acquire either tangible or intangible return so that they are entitled to actively participate in the event planners’ community.


Reduces the threshold of event start

Event planners have faced challenges such as localization, ticket scalping, fraud, and inefficient secondary ticket markets.

Solve the scalped tickets problem

This arbitrage opportunity also financially benefit both ticketing platform and secondary ticket market operators.

Return the profit to event planner

To create a win-win solution, a portion of the profits generated from the secondary ticket markets will be distributed to the event planners.

How it works

  Event Planner

- A user who launches a sponsorship campaign on the platform.

- Only the corporate user who passes the verification processes can start sponsorship campaigns once the platform is online.


- Every user registers on the platform will be recognized as a backer

- A user who can purchase ticket redeem rights with on the platform.

- If a backer wants to deposit cryptocurrency on the platform, he must pass the KYC/AML procedures to comply with all the local regulations.

EvenToken Roadmap

  • Q1 2019

  • Product Milestones
    1. Launch Dapp (beta)
    2. Launch the first prototype for sponsorship campaign
    3. Integrate with Accupass
    Token Sales Milestones
    1. Private Sales
    2. International Roadshow
    3. Event planners recruit
    4. Build up community
    5. Running for angel round invetment
    ( both equity and token )
  • Q2 2019

  • Product Milestones
    1. Release Dapp
    2. Support 3rd-party stable coins to deposit
    3. Integrate with another currency conversion company
    4. Hold events to recruit event planners on the platform
    5. Launch the first international sponsorship campaign
    Token Sales Milestones
    1. Public Sales
    2. Roadshow for the Event Planners
    3. Increase community
  • Q3 2019

  • Product Milestones
    1. Launch secondary market platform (Beta)
    2. Open for all the international event planners to submit applications for the sponsorship campaign
    Token Sales Milestones
    1. Close the Public Sales
    2. Roadshow at different international cities
    3. Speed up community
    4. Prepare cooperate with exchanges/otc platform
  • Q4 2019

  • Product Milestones
    1. Release secondary market platform
    2. Integrate with other ticketing platform
    Token Sales Milestones
    1. Maintain community
    2. Increase event panners
    3. Trading EST to BTC, ETH, and USDT on the exchange.

EvenToken Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

John Sie
Project Leader of EvenToken
Xiaodi Fan
Project Develop Leader of EvenToken
Xiaoping Zhang
Project Develop Director of EvenToken
Weiting Chen
Product Architect of EvenToken
Keay Wang
Project Front-end Developer of EvenToken
Ping Chen
Project Blockchain Architect of EvenToken
Jun-You Liu
Blockchain Developer of EvenToken
Nick Lee
Project Resources Coordinator of EvenToken


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Jet Yang
Founder and Editor-in-Chief Bitnance & KNOWING Med...
Jason Hsu
Crypto Congressman & Legislator of Taiwan
Tahan Lin
Ricky Chen
Founder and CEO of Asobu AI
Joseph Tang
Founder and CEO of VOCAL MIDDLE Communications Con...
Tom Soong
CEO of JOYSO ( Hybrid Decentralized Exchange )
Scofield Yeh
Founder of Block+ with products of Bytepay, 0xAcad...
Jc Ko ( Ju-Chun Ko )
SelfToken Movie Blockchain Co-Founder / Chief Tech...
Olivia Cai
Head of regional market in AWS Ningxia,NWCD


$32 030 393

Alex Lau
Software Technologist
Ethan Yu
Founder and CEO of CoinVoice
Lucy Chen
Co-Founder & CMO of BitRabbit

EvenToken Last News

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