Ethernal Finance

Ethernal Finance

Created using Figma
A utility ecosystem that provides rewards in any top coins you want simply by holding.
To be announced
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About Ethernal Finance

Ethernal is a community-driven DeFi Token built on the Binance Smart Chain with an innovative reflections functionality and a focus on continuous, sustainable growth. Ethernal's main objective is to offer as much value as possible to its users through added utility.

Eternal's initial launch goal is to provide passive income to the holders, but that’s only the first step. The project aims to build an Ethernal ecosystem with multiple features planned for the near future, such as: governance mechanisms enabling users to have a say in the project decisions, a cross-chain NFT Marketplace where the users can buy, sell, mint, and showcase their NFTs, and a fully fledged DEX with yield farming - all of which will be connected to the Ethernal token, always generating new revenue streams for the holders.

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