Last Update
Oct 31, 2018
Imagine a world in which you can contribute to medical research and create safer, less expensive and faster new treatments against cancer and rares diseases. Imagine a tamper-proof, holistic, longitudinal and patient-centric worldwide health record interfacing with medical researchers, health regulators, physicians, care centers and the pharmaceutical industry.
We are a group of healthcare and technology veterans building it using cutting-edge technologies such as Blockchain and HL7 pharmaceutical industry standards. We are the only ICO project with a product already available on the market (PatientTruth), first major clients (Pierre Fabre, Servier) and a full support from the medical research community, the pharmaceutical industry and patient associations.
Embleema Inc. was founded in 2017 by Robert Chu, an industry veteran with 20+ years of experience and a distinguished career at IBM Corp. and IQVIA, the global leader in health data and clinical research. He has been joined by other digital health figures such as Alexis Normand, VP of Withings, Pr. John Halamka, MD and Professor at Harvard Medical School, CIO of Beth Isreal Deaconess, Adel B. Al-Saleh, CEO of T-Systems, Frederic Duchesne, CEO of Pierre Fabre Pharmaceuticals and Vahan Simonyan, former Director of Bio-Informatics at the Food and Drug Administration.
By participating to Embleema's community and ICO, you will be a pioneer in a new era of blockchain-based faster, safer and cost effective medical research against cancers and rare diseases. Join us !
Patients can:
• Register and sign-on through the Patient Dapp interface,
• Upload their health records in the Blockchain, • Visualize their patient record,
• Authorize the sharing of their identified patient record to providers,
• Expose and sell their health records in the Marketplace against RWE tokens,
• Visualize a full audit-trail on their patient record access and health records sold,
• Visualize a statement of his/her RWE transactions.
Providers can:
• Register and sign-on through the Provider Dapp interface,
• Visualize an identified patient record, with due consent from the patient,
• Perform a health record quality check, when requested by the health record data owner,
• Visualize a statement of his/her RWE transactions,
Care Centers and other Data Owners can:
• Register and sign-on through the Data Owner Dapp interface,
• Have their health records indexed into the Blockchain and linked to patients,
• Expose and sell their health records in the Marketplace against RWE tokens, with due consent from the patients,
• Visualize a statement of RWE transactions,
Pharma companies, Payers and other Data Buyers can:
• Register and sign-on through the Data Buyer Dapp interface,
• Expose their inclusion criteria for health record purchases,
• Browse a list of data owners which own health records matching their inclusion criteria,
• Select the data owners they wish to purchase health records from,
• Execute the purchase in RWE tokens with data owners,
• Visualize a statement of RWE transactions,
Pharma companies and authorities can:
• Register and sign-on through the Real-World Evidence Dapp interface,
• Pharma companies register health products on which they wish to share with authorities Real-World Evidence, and define the patient records they wish to share,
• Authorities can visualize the shared Real-World Evidence from Pharma companies.
We expect Version 2 to be HIPAA compliant (see “Embleema and Privacy Compliance section” below) for the U.S. users and GDPR compliant for the European users. Version 2 will include health records from U.S. patients. Version 2 is planned to launch in Q3 2019.
Embleema Health Blockchain Version 2 contains the following features:
• Healthcare specific smart contracts managing patient consent,
health record storage, patient record storage and sharing (identified
and de-identified), patient record access audit-trail and the
• Built-in RWE token generated by the Blockchain for transaction
fees and other rewards. RWE token transactions require no “gas”
fee payment from the sender and have a predictable mining time,
• APIs and health record parsers to integrate into the Blockchain
various data format inputs for health records such as HL 7 FHIR,
CCD, proprietary connected devices formats and other health
record format,
• Scalability: up to 2 million patients for the U.S. market place,
• Performance: visualization of health records should occur under
2 seconds, mining in the Blockchain should occur under 5 seconds,
reconciling data buyers with data owners inclusion criteria
in the Marketplace should occur under 1 minute, other batch
processing such as data sources parsing and indexing will be
assessed in terms of performance for each data source.
Smart-contract exposed to the network participants are:
• Health Record: write, read a health record in the Blockchain,
• Patient Record: connect health records to a given patient, read
the patient record from the Blockchain ,
• Patient Consent: defines patient’s authorization to share his
health records (identified and de-identified),
• Audit Trail: provides data owners audit-trail on accesses
to their health records,
• Marketplace: exposes data owners health records meta-data
after due authorization from patients, allows data buyers to search
health records for purchase, matches data buyers’ inclusion criteria
with data owners records, executes purchase transactions
between data buyers and data owners,
• RWE token smart-contract: issues RWE tokens as rewards for
data owners for storing health records in the Blockchain (first 3 years)
Embleema’s growth plan
End of 2019
Q3 2019
Verified 100%
Verified 29%
Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team
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