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Our mission is to create a strong community of people who believe in the future and are willing to take a chance on bold new ideas, based on knowledge, passion, and perspective.
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EgldRush is a collection of 5555 high quality unique collectibles living on the Elrond Blockchain.

Each NFT comes with a massive utility and grants access to member only benefits such as: business founder and profit shares, passive income, dedicated VIP Crypto Club with expert crypto research & analysis, weekly rewarding system (LKmex, Mex, Egld, USDC and more) EgldRush Treasure, access to projects in early stages, exclusive drops, DAO, become part of a Private Investment Fund, night games, launchpad benefits, burning mechanism and more. Roadmap

  • Phase 1

  • 1. Prelaunch
    ✔ Publish
    ✔ Brainstorming (concept, design)
    ✔ Launch website & social media profiles
    ✔ Prepare & organise the crypto VIP Club
    ✔ Marketing & giveaways
    ✔ Building partnerships
  • Phase 2

  • 2. Listing & investing
    - Launch day (7th of July)
    - Publish 5555 NFTs collection
    - Minting & distribution process
    - Crypto VIP Club (Alpha)
    - Investing : Farming, staking and metabonding
    - Rewarding system (beta)
  • Phase 3

  • 3. Rewarding
    - First content added to the VIP Club
    - Starting the weekly reward distribution
    - First funds added to the treasure
    - The holders vote
    - Starting the community games
  • Phase 4

  • 4. Treasure & partnerships
    - First EgldRush treasure oppening
    - Crypto Club development
    - Partnerships
    - Start the works for EgldRush Gallery
  • Read More
  • Phase 5

  • 5. Development
    - Whitelisting spots for new projects and partnerships
    - Developing "The Priceless" subcollection
    - Starting the development for PHASE 2
    - First airdrop
  • Phase 6

  • 6. "The Priceless"
    - EgldRush Gellery opening
    - New benefits for dworf miners holders will be announced
    - Exclusive drops
    - Marketing and partnerships
    - Launch "The Priceless"
    - Phase 2 Develpment
  • Phase 7

  • 7. Unification
    - The holders vote
    - Unification
    - Last treasure openning ( Mega treasure )
    - Last weekly rewards distribution
    - Reveal Phase 2 details
  • Phase 8

  • 8. Phase 8
    - Final number of founders
    - Final Profit Share structure
    - The new platform ready
    - Staking mechanism
    - First founding
    - and more TBA Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Founder - CEO
Flavius Cocora
Co-Founder & Business Dev.
Community Manager
Community Manager & Crypto Expert
unverified Last News

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  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
  • If you identify any issues or errors in this content, or if you wish to submit your own ICO project for listing, please contact us via email at
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