Dr. Oss Coin

Dr. Oss Coin

Created using Figma
Aiming to protect the future with secure computing and informed youth.
Warning it May Be a Scam
Nov 12, 2017
Dec 12, 2017
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Goal 10 000 000.00 USD
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Additional Details
Platform, Cryptocurrency

About Dr. Oss Coin

We are moving, quickly, into an age of Digital, Cryptographically secured funds. 

First there was Bitcoin. Simple payments from one PGP key to another. 

Now there's Ethereum executing open source code in a turing complete virtual machine with a synchronized and global shared state. 

This new technology, naturally, attracted participants from all walks of life--notably criminals. 

Recently, Wannacry ransomware made headlines. People's valuable data encrypted; a king's ransom demanded--your data's weight in (almost) untraceable crypto currency. 

That's because along with the age of Digital, Cryptographically secured funds came the age of Cyberwarefare. 

What was once the weapon of a powerful Nation State with the capability to effect its ends through conventional warfare became the play thing of any malicious engineer or tinkerer with a greedy lust for quick anonymous wealth. 

Dr. Oss Coin Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Aaron Kuchma
Jacob Chodoriwsky
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