

Created using Figma
Chain is the robust state of the art technology integrated solution for business planning, resource management, accounting and analysis resources. It is implemented on the modern and the most promising blockchain software platform and utilizes the semantic constructor of Smart-contracts to allow projects and communities financing and development.
Nov 1, 2017
Nov 12, 2017
100% completed
$59 810
100% goal completed
  • 1 DARF
    0.0001 BTC
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
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Waves, Ethereum
Business services

About DARFchain

DARFChain - brand new way to manage enterprise businesses in the world of Tokenomy.

to develop and enable the ecosystem of Tokenomy - the revolutionary economy of the 21st century, where everyone can create his/her own digital assets and pay by them for goods and services

to enable a robust distributed blockchain ERP platform with end-to-end analytical token accounting to help crowdinvestors and entrepreneurs manage their ICO assets

Implement various modules and plugins to existing ERP-systems including SAP to manage the blockchain business by:
- enabling the exchange of tokens and trading bots
- building the designer and semantizer of smart contracts
- invoicing and payment without smartphones, via SMS


Blockchain connection technology with ERP-system:
1. Accounting in crowdprojects and control at the ICO and post-ICO stage.
2. Overcoming the chronic scarcity and uneven distribution of finance

DARFChain includes:
1. Distributed accounting without infrastructure investments;
2. The establishment of an environment of openness and trust between the project participants;
3. An opportunity not only to keep a record, but also implement financial transactions;
4. Freemium model at the start, no need to buy the software.

1. The collective contributions accounting for emission in communities
2. Non-profit projects, commercial, venture startups, startups crowdfundings
3. The management and accounting in distributed projects on the principles of full transparency and provability for participants and investors
4. Local and scalable anti-corruption programs

Technical Info

Technical details:  The ERP module includes an intellectual trading robot that: 0. Is able to place tokens-semantic smart contracts in various blockchains. 1. Keeps track of a few blockchains and looks at smart contracts-tokens-Assets with a given semantics. 2. When "seeing" the required token, offers to exchange another robot for its own at a given price. If the interest is mutual, then OK. 3. If that bot does not agree, but ours bot has a request to buy our tokens from other bots that do not suit that, then they are offered tokens of the second bot, either they agree or pass on to their customers. 4. If such a clearing chain is closed somewhere, then OK, we write conditions in the smart contract. 5. If not, the unsuccessful buyer is added to the “queue” for the exchange. The source code:  The code of the product is not available. Proof of developer:  Public team.

DARFchain Roadmap

  • Freemium

  • Free download and installation of the module for accounting software (Odoo), with reading and writing transactions in the blockchain
  • Payment of transactions

  • The function of conducting a micro-payment on transactions to accelerate the passage of accounting transactions and payments
  • Storage blockchain

  • The function of storage block storage and the possibility of cross-transactions with tokens in different blockchains
  • Direct transfers in accounting

  • Immediate transfer of funds (tokens) between subjects of accounting with direct reflection in accounting
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  • Role Access

  • Function of role separation in distributed multi-user accounting
  • Mobile app and SMS payment

  • Mobile application-partner and payment of bills via SMS for system participants without smartphones
  • Multitoken accounting

  • Pass-through accounting in tokens: each object/subject can have its own account token (currency)
  • Built-in Exchange

  • The integrated application - the exchange for the exchange of assets (tokens)
  • Cash-flow in tokens

  • Cash-flow and Budget Control in the context of tokens
  • Procurement Planning

  • Planing purchases of tokens for settlement.Robot purchases of tokens for calculations.
  • Semantic Smart contracts

  • The designer of smart contracts from accounting entities with a single taxonomy based on schema.org
  • AI Robots for tokens trading

  • Robot with AI for execution of smart contracts with unclear conditions

DARFchain Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Konstantin Bakulev
Stanislav "stanta" T...
Sergey Stepanetz
Danil Dashkevich
Community director
Kyrill Rybakov
Frontend, Solidity
Alexandra Shakirova
Design, styling, frontend


$183 069

Pavel Vrublevsky
Founder of the International Payment System


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Anatoly Semyonov
Egor Ryzhikov
Michael Ermak
Sergey Gevlich
Alexey Alekseev
Advisor, Founder and CEO at AITech LLC. The CIO i...

DARFchain Last News

5.0 4
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team

DARFchain Reviews


DARFChain is a blockchain technology platform aimed at the world of enterprise resource management (ERM). The platform integrates with existing ERM platforms and aims to improve the way businesses manage their accounting and financial reporting.

The ultimate goal of DARFChain is to create the platform that will run the “tokenomy” – the token-based economy we’re quickly moving towards. The creators of DARFChain envision a future where every individual and corporation can create their own currency.

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