Custom Deal (PreICO)

Custom Deal (PreICO)

Created using Figma
The major advantage of our CUSTOM DEAL travel app is that we put travelers’ desires first and we reverse the regular cycle of booking services through our concept of RIDER LIST where travelers can choose everything (Where, When, Who and What?) and write to a potential host about what they want on their vacation or a short trip.

Imagine that — ONE platform that allows you to create your rider list like a CELEBRITY. That is our goal!

No more searching for all the services that you need through several different apps and paying separately — we create one app that covers it all!

Our hosts are willing to fulfill and arrange everything for you, from transportation, accommodation, tourist guides, translators, shopping assistants, friends, to the reservations in restaurants you love, because they also see the opportunity to make some extra money by offering combined services.

For example, an AirBnB host can now be your driver, tourist guide, accommodation choice etc.
Public Sale
Jul 11, 2018
Sep 1, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
  • 1 CDL
    0.05 USD
Private Sale
Jun 1, 2018
Jul 10, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
  • 1 CDL
    0.02 USD
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details
Platform, Tourism

About Custom Deal (PreICO)

We are HYBRID of AIRBNB, UBER, DRIVY, DOG VACAY, TRIP4REAL etc. We want to combine all services you will need while traveling, and not by offering couple of them to choose, but with 100% possibillity to demand them as you wish and prefer. We will empover that with some of blockchain protocols and possibillities that blockchain and ECR - 20 token standard is providing right now to bring more affordable, more transparent and more justice travel platform.

Imagine that you have one platform where you will go and just create demand for your upon travel and someone in that place is waiting for such kind of demands, he will just fulfill everything and let you know.

Example: “I want a sunny apartment in Paris on three nights, with look on the river and botlle of domestic champaigne waiting us on arrival. Also I will need a pickup on airport on January5 at 01pm. That same evening we want reservation at nice and cosy restaurant with domestic food. On second day we need a car lift to Sanzelize square. On January 7 we will need tickets for that Opera show provided and on January 8 we need to be on airport until 07am. We are happy to meet our Paris host and future friend ” Send that information and let us ( Softver ) do the rest!

Sounds like something that you will like to use? Be ready because Custom Deal is all about that.

Custom Deal (PreICO) Roadmap

  • 2016

  • Sketching first screens of Custom Deal platform and learning about startup ecosystem and creating a start up project. Also assembling a team around idea.
  • 2017

  • After assembling team of people we startet to work on idea to create best travel platform and start coding it.
    We started to reilaze more and more possibillities and adoption of blockchain among people and power that decentralised daaps are creting for people. On the midlle of 2017 we commit ourselfs to find best solution how to implement ECR-20 Token on our platform.
  • Q1 2018

  • Started to write our white paper, create smart contract on Ethereum based blockchain and ECR-20 Standard and working to finish our platform.
  • Q2 2018

  • ICO starts in June and finishes in September, until then we will have company incorporated and platform in beta version for our early testers.
  • Read More
  • Q3 2018

  • Fully operating platform with fiat payments and expanding in 20+ cities in Europe. Organising first meetups with comunity and our supporters accross Europe. Aranging events to promote our platform among crypto comunity ( Berlin, London, Belgrade, Amsterdam etc. )
  • Q1 2019

  • Year IOS and Android App fully operating and blockchain incentives involved in our project for testing users. Partnerships with other startups related to our core business ( like companies that producing blockchain Wallets for paying with cryptocurrencies when traveling with 0% commissions and many others ).
  • Q3 2019

  • Complete adoption of blockchain as mentioned on our platform and mobile apps and further expansion accross other continents.
  • 2020

  • Mass adoption and expansion world wide. Building a charity foundation that will use Crypto-Travel-Charity Community ( CTCC ) to work together towards building brighter future for our children by providing them education they cant aford.

Custom Deal (PreICO) Team

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Branko Vidović
CEO & Founder
Nemanja Rauš
Creative Director / UX/UI Designer
Igor Stanišić
Senior Backend Developer
Vladislav Simović
Senior Swift/IOS Developer


$514 049

Aleksandar Đorđević
Blockchain Developer
Aleksandar Mišak
Digital Marketing Manager


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Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Nemanja Divjak
Miloš Janjić
Goran Prijić
Neda Stevanović

Custom Deal (PreICO) Last News

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