Cryptomeria Labs

Cryptomeria Labs

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Cryptomeria Labs is a venture studio that focuses on the development of products and IP in the metaverse
To be announced
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About Cryptomeria Labs

Cryptomeria Labs develops its own products, assembling in-house teams to cover every aspect of a project, including: 1.PR and marketing 2.Business development 3.Investor relations support   Cryptomeria Labs is interested in: . Collectables and Art . Play2Earn and GameFi . Transactions within the metaverse and interoperability . Analytic tools for the metaverse . Intellectual Property management . Native Mobile and Desktop apps/games with alternative payment methods and economy models

Cryptomeria Labs Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Sergei Medvedev
Managing Partner
Vadim Krekotin
Founding Partner
Alex Mukhin
Founding Partner


$12 810 000

Sabir Magdeev
Head of Cryptomeria Venture Studio
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