Crypto Alias

Crypto Alias

Created using Figma
An alias system for complex blockchain addresses.
Dec 20, 2017
Feb 20, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
  • 1 ETH
    1,000 ALS
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Accepted Currencies
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Cryptocurrency, Business services, Communication

About Crypto Alias

Cryptocurrencies are seeing an increasinglygreater interest from the general public. The adoption rate is steadily rising, however theyare still a long way from catching upwithfiat currenciesin terms of market cap, and are even further away from replacing them.The main impedimentsfor cryptocurrencies to reach mass adoption is their difficulty of use and the security risks associated with using them, such as phishing attacks and the irreversibility of transactions. CryptoAlias intendsto facilitate and accelerate the adoption of cryptocurrencies, by making Blockchain usage simpler, easier and more secure. Our first goal is to eliminate the need of explicitly using Blockchain addresses, similarly to how domain names eliminated the need of using IPs.On our platform, users can link theirdigital wallet addresses to simple, personalized and unique aliases. Instead of explicitly using a long blockchain address in a wallet when sending funds, users can start using the short and easy to remember aliases.Whether users choose to type an alias or copy/paste a blockchain address when sending funds, before confirming the transaction they will be able to review various information about the receiver, such as status, description, last alias update time, trustworthiness of the alias/address, thus greatly reducing the probability ofsending funds to a wrong recipient.Besides solving a security issue and preventing millions of dollars to be stolen, the major benefit of CryptoAlias is itsease of use and convenience. CryptoAliaswillmake the blockchain technologies morefriendly and secure, thus attracting many more people to this new and exciting technology.However most importantly, CryptoAlias allows users to have an identity, without having to jeopardize their privacy.


Identity. Anyone can get a personalized and unique identity on the blockchain.

Security. CryptoAlias prevents users from sending funds to the wrong address, as it’s less likely to mistype a short and simple word than a lengthy string of random characters.

Information. Besides being associated with a unique alias, a blockchain address can also be associated with a status and a description.

Convenience. Aliases are short and simple, they can be typed from memory, saving the burden of finding and copy pasting a blockchain address.

Portability. CryptoAlias is compatible with all blockchains. 


Crypto Alias Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Dumitru Berestean
Ciprian Ciubotaru
Arthur Rusu


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Silviu Nedelciuc

Crypto Alias Last News

5.0 5
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Crypto Alias Reviews
News, reviews

Crypto Alias might be an interesting choice of investment for you. It seems to have a clear direction of where their business is going and an original idea that can get pretty popular. Because of this, do not be especially afraid of investing in Crypto Alias.

If Crypto Alias seems like the company for you, go for it. There are no visible red flags in their company, so they should be an interesting choice if you like to invest in creative startups with plenty of aspirations.

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