

Exploring the Power of Blockchain.

About EthValue

Understanding decentralized computing doesn't happen overnight, and in most situations, blockchains as they stands today are probably not the right path. However, the world is becoming increasingly connected and our current financial system will not keep up. It’s now time to dip yourself and your teams foot in the blockchain waters and we want to help you get started.
 Blockchain is a new technology and we don’t know everything. The space is constantly evolving. Everyday a new developer tool or institutional adoption opens the doors to new possibilities. This reality comes with several traps and the sheer newness of the technology leaves a lot to explore. Some things to keep in mind are the landmines of bugs, immutability issues with not being able to update code, scalability network clogs, fees, slow transactions per second, regulations, and user adoption. Lean on our experience to look into your companies friction points and we’ll go from there.
 Once the research is completed, we’ll give you our opinion on whether or not we should move on to the prototyping phase. The interface or code in this phase will not win any awards, but the real star of the show will be measurements, and speed of creation. We can both build to move along with existing services to see if we can truly help increase speed of transactions, reduce internal and external developer friction, and reduce cost or build new endpoints not possible with the current infrastructure.


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Nate Geier

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