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CheCoin is the PASSIVE INCOME COIN (every hour, holders get FREE BNB on their wallets automatically).
To be announced
Token Details
Total supply
Additional Details

About CheCoin

$CheCoin is a BNB reflection token inspired by the legend of Che Guevara. 

Our unique auto-claim feature will add every 60 minutes some BNB token to your wallet. 

BNB is the utility token of Binance one of the leading crypto exchanges in the world. 

All you need to do to receive hourly passive income in BNB is to hold $CheCoin tokens. Your rewards will be sent automatically to your wallet. 

$CheCoin is about giving back to the people. 

In a time of increasing social inequalities and injustice, cryptocurrency communities have to show the way. 

CheCoin is an innovative protocole providing hourly dividends automatically to $CheCoin holders

Hold $CheCoin and get paid dividends on every transaction. 

7% Redistribution In BNB

7% of every transaction is taken and redistributed to all holders. Hold $CheCoin tokens, earn passive income in BNB.  200,000 minimum tokens.

Auto-Paid Every 60 Minutes

For the first time ever, you don’t need to claim your earned BNB. It’s automatically sent to your wallet every 60 minutes. 

3% Auto-Liquidity Pool

3% of every transaction is transformed into liquidity for PancakeSwap. It's automatic and helps create a price floor (stability).

Anti-Dump & 1% Sales Fee

Extra 1% fee is applied to all sells. This will allow us to reduce swing-trading and break whales' control.

Secured By Design

Initial Liquidity Provided will be locked with DXSALE for more than 12 months. The contract is being audited by HASHEX & CertiK (In progress)

Massive Marketing Plan

2% of every transaction is allocated to Marketing in BNB (swapped to BNB in real time to avoid dumps). So we can fuel the most ambitious projects and reward our active community.

CheCoin Roadmap

  • Stage #1 - Preparing for the Battle

  • • $CheCoin is born with strong equalitarian convictions ✓

    • Secret Website launched ✓

    • White Paper written and approved by the community ✓

    • Social Media Early Presence ✓

    • Organic Awareness ✓

    • 1000 Telegram comrades ✓
  • Stage #2 - Gathering fellow comrades

  • • Influencers ✓

    • PooCoin Ads ✓

    • DexTools Trending ✓

    • Website Revamp✓

    • Community Building ✓

    • Massive BNB payouts for holders ✓

    • 5000 Telegram members ✓
  • Stage #3 - Launch the Battle for Financial Freedom

  • • CoinMarketCap ✓

    • CoinGecko ✓

    • Audit completed ✓

    • Listing CEX Hotbit/Whitebit/

    • Influencer marketing push ✓

    • CheCoin Dashboard (earnings tracking) ✓

    • 10000 Telegram members ✓
  • Stage #4 - Take Over the World (and the Moon)

  • • CheCoin Swap ✓

    • CheCoin merch shop ✓

    • CheCoin AR gaming app

    • Building NFT Platform

    • Listings on major CEX ✓

    • Massive influencer partnerships ✓

    • 20000 Telegram members ✓

CheCoin Last News

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