

Created using Figma

Last Update

Sep 12, 2021

The camelcoin’s team, mainly based in Sahara for the field crew and in France for the technical and development team but also counting members worldwide, is developping a revolutionary blockchain, CameLink, wich will allows alls actors of camel’s products to grow up and be democratized on all five continents

Camelcoin will be used to promote and expand already existing projects and bring them to international standards when CameLink will permit the traceability, the tracking of transformation steps, to watch the quality, the animal well-being, added products, to control prices and secure the whole chain of work.

The camel’s products market today is over hundreds millions dollars, knowing that most of the actors are just satisfying with a local areas customers and some advised people, wich limits the profits.
8 months
May 15, 2021
Jan 2, 2022
100% completed
$60 000
1% cap completed
Goal 70 000 000.00 USD
Cap 5 000 000.00 USD
  • 1 CML
    0.6 USD
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
5% promotion
50% project Founding
15% security reserve
7% team & partners
20% CamelLink blockchain developpment
3% legal works
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Company Details
Registered Company Name
Carajmel SARL au
Registered Country
Company Founded
Feb 15, 2019
Bonus Structure
100€ +5% bonus
200€ +10%bonus
300€ +15% bonus
500€ + 30€ bonus
1000€ +59% bonus
Additional Details

Technical Info

🐪💰🔥As previous in the roadmap, Camelcoin begins the development of it's Blockchain and it's ecosystem which will allow a great evolution for the Camelcoin's value!

Entering now in the adventure will assure you exclusive opportunities!


Camelcon it's

✅ An ethical project

✅ Numerous partnreships worldwide, brewers, distributors, manufacturers, sportsmen...

✅ A revolutionary future Blockchain, CameLink:


NFT creation

High scalability

Very low fees


Multi-function traceability

Limited to 200 quality smartcontracts

Interoperability with ETH, BSC, VET, ADA

✅Awesome staking options

-all staking 3%

-silver: 6 months min 500CML 5%

-gold: 1 year min 2000CML 10%

-premium: 2 years min 5000CML 15%

ICO investors will get gold option without any condition.

✅A wallet/staking app "The Hump" with simple, efficient and dynamic interface totally secured

✅The first worldwide e-commerce platform mondial interconnected with the Blockchain, crypto friendly with redistribution of benefits !!

Buy/sell of NFT's connected to high value objects or animals (race camels)

- 20% of benefits redistributed between the partners holding camelcoins

- 10% holders +20000CML

- 6% holders +5000CML

- 3% holders +1000CML

- 6% to all holder who invest in the ICO

- 30% developpment of logistique and transport ecological service uberised "the Caravan"

- 10% camelcoin's fondation

- 5% security

Imagine if all Amazon benefits have been distributed to you and users instead of making just one man rich to billions??...

✅An over hundreds billions market with hundreds thousands new employments worldwide

✅ Respect of values, life modes, animals and earth


Camelcoin, a opportunity of personal enrichment within participating to the biggest worldwide cooperative!


It's all in da hump!





Camelcoin Roadmap

  • 15/05/2021

  • Begining of ICO
  • 31/01/2022

  • End of ICO

Camelcoin Team

Verified 17%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Issa Jérémy Victor


$60 000

Anders Johnsson
Blockchain specialist
Sarah Dahmani
Middle east distribution consultant
Alex Descarrieres
Commercial director
Bernard Faye
Camelids worldwide expert
Vincent Armengol
Conseiller exclusif

Camelcoin Interviews

Issa Jérémy VICTOR
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project?
I am the CEO of the camelcoin project and the creator of the main idea, i am here to improve connections between partners and institutional investors but also to care about all of our holders satisfaction.
What do you think about idea?
I think that connecting ancestral way of life with new technology is the way to preserve both. Camels are the future of agriculture and cryptocurrency the future of finance.

Camelcoin Last News

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