

Created using Figma
A visual smart contract designer powered by Ethereum that requires no programming knowledge to use.
  • Market
    Volume 24H
    24H (price)
    24H (volume)
  • ForkDelta
    CAT/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0011
    $ 1.16
  • Idex
    CAT/ETH 3 one year ago
    $ 0.0146
    $ 19.01
  • Radar Relay
    CAT/DAI 4 one year ago
  • Radar Relay
    CAT/WETH 4 one year ago
    $ 0.0017
  • TokenJar
    CAT/WETH 5 one year ago
  • Cryptopia
    CAT/BTC 5 one year ago
    $ 0.1041
  • Cryptopia
    CAT/DOGE 5 one year ago
    $ 0.1255
  • Everbloom
    CAT/ETH 5 one year ago
    $ 0.0377
Jul 15, 2017
Aug 17, 2017
100% completed
$7 034 927
3.6 K
99% goal completed
Goal 2 393.00 ETH
  • 300 BCAT
    1 ETH
Token Details
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details
Platform, Cryptocurrency

About BlockCAT

Fast: Deploy pre-built smart contracts in seconds, or build your own with just a few clicks.

Cost-Effective: Programmers are expensive. BlockCAT makes professionally-made smart contracts affordable.

Safe: All of our smart contracts are thoroughly tested and audited by security experts to minimize risk.

In our future, everyone uses smart contracts

  • Effortless smart contract creation that anybody can deploy.
  • Mobile and desktop interface to manage your contracts.
  • Design custom contracts that meet your specific needs.
  • Chain or combine multiple contracts to build out entire business payment models.
  • Transfer funds automatically and globally, at great scale.
  • Secure business deals – without lawyers.
  • Transaction verification – remove the risk of sending Ether to the wrong address.
  • Develop and sell your custom contracts on our decentralized marketplace.
  • And much, much more… including applications that no one has thought of yet!


Visual interface to deploy and manage smart contracts.
Marketplace to sell and purchase smart contracts.
Visual programming language to create custom smart contracts.

Technical Info

Technical details:  The platform is a web based UI using Quasar for the UI framework and web3.js to interact with the Ethereum blockchain (either using a full node running locally like Parity, or a light client like Metamask). The UI provides a user-friendly way to interact with and deploy Ethereum smart contracts, removing the need for the user to write code. The smart contracts deployed are written in Solidity. There is future plan to fully decentralize the platform by utilizing technologies like IPFS. The CAT token is an ERC20 token implemented with the help of the OpenZeppelin library. CAT serves as the sole way to pay for the fees involved with deploying smart contracts on the BlockCAT platform. There is a planned marketplace feature which will allow third party developers to submit smart contracts they have written, and they will be verified using an oracle system in which users stake CAT in order to assert the correctness of the smart contract. Users then take a portion of the fees paid as the contract is used. Developers must also stake CAT as part of their submission, which ensures that any malicious attack is limited by a financial barrier. We are also planning a visual smart contract builder, which will allow users to compose their own smart contracts in a drag-and-drop manner. This will also allow users to interact with existing smart contracts and interface with pre-existing technology already deployed on the blockchain, like ENS and the Ethereum Alarm Clock project. The source code:  The code for BlockCAT will be closed source, however all of the contracts involved (both first and third party) will be audited and released publicly. Proof of developer:  Public team

BlockCAT Team

Verified 67%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Graeme Douglas


$7 034 927

Eric Huang
Technical co-director
Wade Penson
Technical co-director


Verified 33%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Ramon Lawrence
Business and technical advisor
Ben Stevens
Media & graphics production advisor
Jamie Mckee-Scott
UX and research advisor

BlockCAT Last News

$ 0.0073
Crypto Stats
Daily, %:
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Market Info
Market Cap:
$ 53.577 K
Volume 24h:
$ 251.44
Circ. Supply:
7.36 M CAT
ICO profit
X 2.4508181692931E-6
ICO Price~$2,970.16

BlockCAT Reviews
News, reviews

BlockCAT smart contract technology will make it easier for people to migrate to the world of cryptocurrencies with ease. The security measures in place will ensure that all information in the system is safe from manipulation. Digital transactions have already been made easier with the presence of smart contracts, and technology continues to become more accessible, due in no small part to technologies like BlockCat.

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