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Blockbits is a decentralized open-source crowdfunding/investing platform. Its most innovative feature is that it eliminates sightless confidence requirements, thus providing a significantly safer investing experience. This is achieved via blockchain contracts, built-in features that allow it to become fully maintained and governed by its coin holders. We acquaint Blockbits, the platform that provides the optimal solving to the difficulty of risk and trust in investing. Our innovation consists of built-in features and mechanisms that take into account common rules of human psychology in relationship to danger and investment. Our final goal is to provide a safe investing experience, where: 1. Projects advance insofar as they are viable 2. Danger intrinsic to human prejudice or error is minimized. This, in rotate, will mean that investing will become accessible and relatively risk-free. Blockbits offers two types of project funding, namely, Direct funding and Milestone funding. For both, an innovative Vault mechanism is place in place to defend against hacking. The Vault isolates each investor’s funds into a disjoin agreement, with two enforced hardcoded production addresses: the platform and the investor wallets.
Mar 10, 2018
May 1, 2018
100% completed
$1 194 069
1% hard cap completed
Hard cap 35 000.00 ETH
Feb 1, 2018
Feb 28, 2018
100% completed
$18 395
hard cap
0% cap completed
Cap 5 000.00 ETH
Hard cap 35 000.00 ETH
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
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About BlockBits

In the past years, the Ethereum network has seen the launch of numerous ICOs. This is good, but unfortunately, most ICOs still ultimately rely on investors’ blind trust. This attracts only the more risk inclined investors, while even the moderately risk adverse will rightly avoid investing in what looks like get-rich-fast schemes or even outright scams. The main issue with a classic ICO is the fact that its token is often not linked to any meaningful action in its system. Even when it is, in the overwhelming majority of cases, the investor is expected to blindly trust that the project initiators will deliver on their promises.

Blockbits is a decentralized open-source crowdfunding/investing platform. Its most innovative feature is that it eliminates blind trust requirements, thus providing a significantly safer investing experience. This is achieved via blockchain contracts, built-in features that allow it to become fully maintained and governed by its token holders.


Blockbits DAPP is an open-source crowd-fund/investing platform that is fully driven by blockchain code. It provides innovative mechanisms such as safe funding vaults and secure milestone based payments. The platform offers to both investors and project owners investing tools and minimal to zero fees.

Platform is designed to become fully independent, maintained and governed by its own token holders. Blockbits itself is launched through the very code submitted here as MVP. It is not a Venture Capital Fund, nor an Investment Fund. It is a platform where you launch your project and the community is going to be the one moderating the content.

BlockBits Roadmap

  • June 2017 - January 2018

  • Proof of Concept
    • Technical Documentation,
    • Functional Diagrams,
    • Deployment Strategy and Flows
    • Bounty Portal and Bounty Program Tools
    • Android and iOS Mobile Notification Application
    • Backend Application MVP
    • On the Ethereum BlockChain
    • 300+ Unit and Integration Tests
    • Testnet deployments in different stages
    • Platform identity - Logo and Design
    • Campaign Ofering Whitepaper
    • Campaign Landing Page

  • Period: June 2017 - January 2018
    1.1 The Documentation
    - Technical Documentation
    - Functional Diagrams
    - Deployment Strategy and Flows
    - Live Documentation
    1.2 The Code
    - Backend Application MVP
    - 350+ Unit and Integration Tests
    1.3 The Tools
    - Bounty Portal
    - Bounty Program Tools
    - Mobile Applications
    1.4 The Offering
    - Platform identity - Logo and Design
    - Campaign Ofering Whitepaper
    - Campaign Landing Page
    1.5 Landing Redesign
    - Reverting to Standard Token Sale
    - BlockBits Info Flow Diagrams
    - New Explainer Video
    - Explainer Articles
  • January 2018 - March 2018

  • Funding
    • Campaign Landing Page Launch
    • Announcement
    • Ask Me Anything ( AMA ) interviews and press releases
    • PRE ICO - January 2018 - February 2018
    • ICO - February 2018 - March 2018
    • Token Allocation - Date: 18th of March 2018 - 20th of March 2018

  • Period: Feb 2018 - May 2018
    2.1 Funding Start
    - Announcements
    - Funding Campaign Launch
    - AMA interviews
    - Press releases
    2.2 The PRE ICO
    - Period: 4th of February 2018 to 28th of February 2018
    2.3 Marketing limited Public Sale
    - Period: 4th of February 2018 to 10th of March 2018
    2.4 The ICO
    - Period: 10th of March 2018 to 1st of May 2018
    2.5 Token Allocation
    - Date: 2nd of May 2018
    - Direct Funding Pool - Token unlock
    - Bounty Portal Pool - Token unlock
  • Read More
  • January 2018 - May 2018

  • Campaign Landing Page Launch
    Ask Me Anything ( AMA ) interviews and press releases
    PRE ICO - February 2018 - March 2018
    ICO - March 2018 - May 2018
    Token Allocation - Date: 2nd of May 2018
  • 25th of March 2018

  • Development
  • Phase 3 - Development Milestones

  • Period: May 2018 - May 2020
    Development Start Date: 5th of May 2018
  • 5th of May 2018

  • Development
  • Development Milestone 1

  • Minimalistic Platform Estimated Duration: 90 day
  • Development Milestone 2

  • Estimated Duration: 180 days 3rd Party Launch Functionality
  • Development Milestone 3

  • Estimated Duration: 90 days Code Upgrade Tools and Token Buyback
  • Development Milestone 4

  • Estimated Duration: 90 days Basic Risk indicators and Collaboration tools
  • Development Milestone 5

  • Estimated Duration: 90 days Advanced functionality
  • Development Milestone 6

  • Estimated Duration: 90 days Token Holder Upgrades
  • Development Milestone 7

  • Estimated Duration: 90 days Full Decentralizatio

BlockBits Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Micky Socaci
Main Developer
Mihai Iliescu
Senior Security Engineer
Vlad Morar
Video / Marketing Specialist
Ionut Toader
Frontend Developer
Radu Dumitru
Graphic / UX Designer
Arthur Birnbaum
Animation and Motion Graphics


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Ravi Singh
Alexandru Lazar
Sandeep Patel
Richard Johnson
Georgeana Bobos-Kris...
Tiberiu Socaci

BlockBits Last News

5.0 13
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team

BlockBits Reviews

Simon Cocking
Editor in Chief, Cryptocoin.News

It's an interesting idea - the challenge will be to gain traction. Re the team it would be good to know a bit more about them.

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The company has some great ideas to protect the money of investors if an ICO is failing to uphold to its standards and promises and it gives the ICOs incentives to work harder to keep up fair practices, so the investors don’t back out along the way. To see the roadmap for the company and possibly become a participant in the BlockBits network, head to the company website to learn more.

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  • Due to potential time differences in information updates, please verify the accuracy of each ICO project through its official website or other official communication channels.
  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
  • If you identify any issues or errors in this content, or if you wish to submit your own ICO project for listing, please contact us via email at
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