

Created using Figma
A Blockchain is a series of records known as blocks. Such blocks are continuously growing records
that are combined and secured using cryptographic technology. All the blocks in a blockchain inherit:
1 A hash pointer as equal as a connection to its previous block: A hash function is a
mathematical algorithm that maps the data of an inconsistent size to a string (bit string)
of a rigid size; known as a hash function which is constructed to be a one way function,
which makes it impossible to alter or invert the transactions.
2 A Time Stamp: The Time Stamp keeps track of the creation time of a block.
3 Transaction Data: All data related to the transaction.
Oct 11, 2017
Dec 11, 2017
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Sep 11, 2017
Dec 11, 2017
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Goal 134 000 000.00
Cap 180 000 000.00
    0.167 ETH
Token Details
Accepted Currencies
Company Details
Registered Country
Additional Details

About BitIndia

Bitindia is the most convienent and secure way to buy and sell Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple & Litecoin in India

In three easy steps

  • Sign Up
    Sign up using Bitindia Wallet on your Android, Ios or Web Device.
  • Complete the Verification Process
    Complete the account verification by adding you KYC Details.
  • Ready to Go
    You can now buy and sell digital currencies, Transfer or receive Digital Currencies and also secure your digital investments with Bitindia.

Bitindia Features

  • Mobile wallet
    Bitindia Smart Wallet works on your iPhone,Android Device as well as your Web Browser.
  • Protection
    Digital Currencies stored on our servers are fully secured and scam free.
  • Instant Exchange
    Send and receive digital currencies thought the world and exchange it with your local currency.
  • Personal Control
    You have full control over your private keys.

Uses of BITINDIA Tokens

  1. Share of Bitindia Exchange Profits
    All token holders will receive 10% of the net fees earned on the Bitindia Exchange in the form of Ethereum through a smart contract.
    (Pro Rata Basis)
  2. Share from Bitindia Wallet Transactions
    All token holders will receive 10% of the net fees earned on the Bitindia Exchange in the form of Ethereum through a smart contract.
    (Pro Rata Basis)
  3. Token Buy Back & Burn using Company Profits
    Every 3 months Bitindia might take 10% of the net profits from fees earned through Bitindia Exchange and Wallet and buy back BITINDIA Tokens from anyone who wants to sell them. Each token we buy back will be permanently burned. This increases BITINDIA token scarcity and increases its value over time.


BitIndia is the most convenient and secure way to buy, sell and secure cryptocurrencies in India. Due to the high banking rates prevailing in the country, people are moving towards digital currencies such as bitcoin, ethereum and ripple. BitIndia would add huge diversity to the existing banking system prevailing in the country.

Technical Info

Technical details:  The Bitindia token will be an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain. The source code:  The code of the product is not available. Proof of developer:  Public team

BitIndia Roadmap

  • February 2017

  • Concept Design
  • April 2017

  • Technical Specification
  • September 2017

  • VC Token Swap
  • October 2017

  • - Public Pre-Sale
    - Legal Structure
  • Read More
  • November 2017

  • - Public Token Swap
    - Bitindia Wallet Alpha
  • December 2017

  • Token Trading Launch
  • April 2018

  • Bitindia Exchange Launch
  • 2022+

  • 25% Global Blockchain Trading from India

BitIndia Team

Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Sahil Kohli
Chief Executive Officer at Bitindia Exchange & Wal...
Saumil Kohli
Kunal Nandwani
Founder and CEO
Victor Wong
President and CEO
Fabian Kippenberg
Head of Communications


Verified 40%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Reuben Godfrey


$19 243 927

Issac Lee

85 ICOs

$186 184 713

Simon Cocking
ICO advisor


$28 800 060

John Mcafee


$48 222 081

Francisco Jo

BitIndia Last News

5.0 7
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team

BitIndia Reviews

Samson Owiti
Cryptotrader, Crypto investor, Blockchain business expert


This project is based in India so as to conveniently link up the exchange of funds using Ethereum and Bitcoin for easier and efficient exchange and transactions when initiating different businesses. The interrelation of the currencies can easily be shifted depending on the prevailing market structures and conditions.


Easy exchange. This project will enable the subscribers to send and receive digital currencies within India easily under the guidance of Bitindia smart wallet. This promotes free and efficient transactions even to the local people hence promoting secure coexistence.

Adequate protection: The digital currencies are usually fully protected and free from any scam which is a motivating factor to clients in investing in the project.

Individual control: The smart wallets accounts are under full control by the owners .The security is further strengthened by the existence of personal keys only known by the owners hence promoting adequate savings from which good returns are assured.


The Bitindia is not fully integrated with the other currencies like the USD , EUR and other currencies  which is a key hindrance for the contribution of people not registered in other places outside India. This makes the project unproductive in promoting worldwide exchange and economic growth.


The increased demand of accountability in every transaction is very essential for an individual to be able to determine any investment returns .This is to be backed up with enough protection measures for easier exchange. The Bitindia investment project will therefore be of great importance in building the investors trust and achieving the related values.

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Obviously, the Indian marketplace represents enormous potential. 1.2 billion people live in India, but only 0.5% have heard of bitcoin. BitIndia aims to introduce 20% of the population to bitcoin and cryptocurrencies over the next few years. That could mean hundreds of millions of new cryptocurrency users.

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  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
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