Big Data Block

Big Data Block

Created using Figma

Last Update

Jul 11, 2018

The Big Data Block is changing the future of large-scale data processing by combining open source software organizing large tasks by connecting large networks and distributed node of global block chain network. Two wonderful things, even better together.

Large-scale data analysis is currently available only in large data computing environments and is very expensive for building, running, and maintaining. BDB uses block chain technology to eliminate all headaches related to large data processing and distributes the computing load to computers in the BDB ecosystem.
Oct 1, 2018
Oct 31, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Jul 1, 2018
Aug 15, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Token Details
Total supply
Token Distribution
55% - token sale
25% - founders and advisors
10% - reserve
5% - non profit fund
4% - pre-ICO
1% - bounties
Accepted Currencies
Min Contribution
Company Details
Registered Company Name
Big Data Block
Bonus Structure
Pre-ICO - 50%
ICO day 1 - 25%
ICO 2-7 days - 20%
ICO week 2 - 15%
ICO week 3 - 10%
ICO week 4 - 5%
Additional Details

About Big Data Block

Big data is a term used for data sets that are very large or complex where traditional data processing application software is inadequate to handle processing the scale of information quickly and cost-effectively. Big data challenges include capturing data, data storage, data analysis, search, sharing, transfer, visualization, querying, updating and information privacy.

Here are some examples:

  • Facebook – Uses big data to process all the posts, likes, pictures and more for many years. How do they know who to connect you to? Targeted Ads? Who’s most likely to be single soon? These are all answered with big data.
  • World Health Organization – Uses big data to pull information from all over the world to help prevent diseases and understand where to allocate resources and drive impact.
  • Capital One – Leverages big data to understand their customer’s spending habits so they can better tailor their products to real needs.
  • City of Long Beach – Uses big data to find people illegally watering their lawns during non-sanctioned times which provides compliance and saves water.

Big Data Block Roadmap

  • OCTOBER 2017

  • Big Data Block born.
  • NOVEMBER 2017

  • Founders team assembled.
  • DECEMBER 2017

  • Prototype development started.
  • JANUARY 2018

  • Big Data Block website launched.
  • Read More
  • MARCH 2018

  • Whitepaper completed.
  • APRIL 2018

  • Whitepaper V2
  • MAY 2018

  • Prototype 1 completed
  • JUNE 2018

  • Prototype 2 Completed
  • JULY 2018

  • Private Sale
  • AUGUST 2018

  • Prototype 3
  • OCTOBER 2018

  • ICO Launch
  • NOVEMBER 2018

  • Full production launch.
  • DECEMBER 2018

  • Big Data Block.
    Knowledge Exchange launch.

Big Data Block Materials

Big Data Block Team

Verified 14%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Jason Cohen
Simeon Schnapper
VP Business Development


$5 000 000

Jim Falvey
General Counsel
Brett Singer
VP Marketing
Dan Fisher
Creative Director
Stacey Billups
Director User Experience


$13 300 000

Zach Lutes
Community Manager


Verified 0%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Atif Farid
AI/Data Science Advisor


$8 820 470

Peter Bergstrom

Big Data Block Interviews

Jason Cohen
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I am the CEO/CTO.

Big Data Block Last News

5.0 5
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team

Big Data Block Reviews
Big Data will be very important in the future, so understand this company as a very long term investment. If you buy the tokens right now and keep them, there is a good chance that they might be considerably more valuable in the future as the world starts to use Big Data more and needs the services that will be offered by this company.
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News, reviews
After a careful review of the ICO, we hereby conclude that Big Data Block aims to revolutionize the data management industry by incorporating blockchain technology. The platform claims to introduce an ever needed solution to the problems face by tradition data management and processing applications and software. We believe the information presented on the official website is quite enough to anticipate that the platform will be a success. We suggest people should invest in Big Data Block with full confidence.
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News, reviews
I have to say that once you do study the roadmap and the white paper of the Big Data Block initial coin offering you may be tempted to make an investment for they really have thought out extremely well the direction they are going to be taking with their consent. It is also worth individually checking out their team members of at the end of the day the concept is going to be made or broken by their team and having check several of them out myself they do have the experience required for this size of project. The costings of the Big Data Block tokens are not what you could call be any stretch of the imagination expensive, and that does make this an initial coin offering that could appeal to you, and if everything does fall into place it could be one that will make you some high valued profits.
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  • Due to potential time differences in information updates, please verify the accuracy of each ICO project through its official website or other official communication channels.
  • This information is not intended as a recommendation or suggestion for ICO investment. Please conduct thorough research on the relevant information and make your own informed decision regarding ICO participation.
  • If you identify any issues or errors in this content, or if you wish to submit your own ICO project for listing, please contact us via email at
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