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A decentralized margin lending protocol & liquidation oracle marketplace on the Ethereum blockchain.
May, 2018
Jun, 2018
100% completed
Raised funds - no Data
Token Details
Additional Details
Yes , from Oct 17, 2018

About B0x ICO

After much anticipation, we have released our white paper detailing the first phase of the b0x project. During and after the EthDenver conference next weekend, we hope to begin sharing more about our vision with the community. In the near future, we will also begin making more of our Github repositories public. We are eager to show you what we’ve built.

B0x ICO Team

Verified 40%

Attention. There is a risk that unverified members are not actually members of the team

Tom Bean
Co-Founder and Lead Developer
Kyle Kistner
Co-Founder at b0x
Adrian Li
Full-time contractor at b0x
Yuri Eliezer
Patents and Advanced Technology Law
Casey Fallon
Graphic Artist, Illustrator

B0x ICO Interviews

Tom Bean
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I’m co-founder and the tech lead of b0x, a margin lending/trading protocol, and oracle marketplace on the Ethereum blockchain. I designed b0x, along with Kyle Kistner, from the ground up. I personally wrote the protocol code and actively lead our product team and company. I’m confident that what we are building will be a key component of the internet of value.
Kyle Kistner
As a team member, сan you tell us about your role in the ICO project? What do you think about idea?
I'm co-founder of b0x along with Tom Bean. I'm the primary architect and author of the whitepaper. I write our Medium posts, hire employees, interface with investors, and answer questions in the Telegram.

The b0x project is much bigger in scope than many people suspect. We are a core DEX infrastructure project. If we succeed in our goals, trillions of dollars could flow through our contracts. The size of the potential market for shorting and derivative-like instruments is massive.

B0x ICO Last News

5.0 1
ICO Profile Vision Activity Potential Product Team

B0x ICO Reviews

ICO review website

However, b0x is not the very first project in this field: Lendroid, dharma, and dydx. The last one has a stronger core team of developers, experienced working in financial tech infrastructure companies, and already attracted investment from Andreessen Horrowitz, Polychain Capital, and several other top tier funds. Lendroid already has a mechanism for margin calls. The high frequency of exchange hacks might be a risk for the integration of more sophisticated trading activity tools.

The roadmap is very high-level and only provides the development stages up until the end of 2018. According to the model, the lender will pay 10% fee. But at the same time the team states that the protocol will enable to avoid some intermediaries and banks for lender. The team does not state who will perform the function of Oracle The project valuation is above the median of similar projects. For instance, Lendroid aims to raise only 5000 ETH, which is around 4M USD as of 7th of May 2018. The given allocation of funds is not quite detailed and does not give much information.

The core team has never had experience in ruling any business. All these factors diminish the project success, not only in the TGE campaign, but also in the future platform launch. The company is not supported by well-known advisors and community There is only two software engineers in the project, all other people have experience in different fields. There are no marketing specialists in the team.

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