From its inception, Shiba Inu has done things differently. Starting with a supply of 1 quadrillion, our founder, Ryoshi, locked 50% in Uniswap, then “burned” the other half to Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin for safekeeping.
To help reverse the devastating spread of Covid-19 in India, VB has since utilized SHIB in the largest crypto donation in history, and then actually burned 40% of its total supply to a dead wallet, ensuring our long-term success and stability. In the words of Ryoshi, “Thank you to the woofmeister for enabling true decentralization. Now we truly begin.”
SHIB is an experiment in decentralized spontaneous community building. SHIB token is our first token and allows users to hold Billions or even Trillions of them. Nicknamed the DOGECOIN KILLER, this ERC-20 ONLY token can remain well under a penny and still outpace Dogecoin in a small amount of time (relatively speaking). Popular worldwide, and already up thousands of percent, Shiba token ($Shib) is the first cryptocurrency token to be listed and incentivized on ShibaSwap, our decentralized exchange.
We locked the 50% of the total supply to Uniswap and threw away the keys! The remaining 50% was burned to Vitalik Buterin and we were the first project following this path, so everyone has to buy on the open market, ensuring a fair and complete distribution where devs don't own team tokens they can dump on the community.
LEASH was originally set to be a rebase token pegged to the price of Dogecoin. Now, it has been unleashed and will not rebase. With a total circulation of ONLY 100k tokens, it has the opposite appeal to Shib (which has a much larger supply). The second token incentivized on the swap offers special rewards for those who provide liquidity.
ONE Dogecoin Killer is our next token! COMING SOON, Shiba Inu Bone, takes the power of Defi to the next level. Details on how to acquire this token, tokenomics and incentives will be announced with the reveal of ShibaSwap.
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