Retainly ICO

Retainly ICO

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Retainly ist eine Treueplattform für Online-Unternehmen, die ihnen hilft, ihre Angebote mit einer Plug & Play SaaS-Software zu gamifizieren. Die integrierte Marketing Automation-Plattform sorgt für den gesamten Marketing- und Verkaufsprozess. Alle Belohnungen können einfach über RET Coins verteilt werden.
100% abgeschlossen
$1 300 000
100% ziel abgeschlossen
100% abgeschlossen
Geleistete Mittel - keine Daten
  • 1 RETN
    0.00083085 ETH
Akzeptierte Währungen
Eingetragenes Land
Weitere Details
Plattform, Kryptowährung, Verkauf, Kommunikation

Über Retainly ICO

Retainly is the world’s first Loyalty Marketing Platform that uses blockchain to processes rewards in cryptocurrency. With the fastest growing automation platform and more than 1200 businesses already using it, Retainly will soon capture the huge $200 Billion Loyalty market that has been left severely compartmentalised and with complications. Retainly solves the problems of both merchants and their consumers. Retainly creates a unified network of a global loyalty program that merge into a single consumer account, yet being able to maintain data privacy by exposing consumer data owned by respective merchants only.

Retainly’s Collie is a decentralized customer loyalty platform in plain words that provides all internet and traditional businesses with an easy plug and play loyalty system. Since all Internet businesses are not same, Collie has been developed keeping in mind the flexibility need. Customers can create their own custom events and set up a reward for each of their custom events. Collie automatically tracks these events with reference to each customer and allocates reward points. These reward points are then associated with the RETN Token Coin that can be exchanged for cash or traded for ETH and BTC. The entire event tracking and cryptocurrency backend are managed by Retainly.

Retainly's proprietary machine learning technology has built an algorithm for predictive analytics. This AI algorithm automatically assigns a dynamic score based on the customer's behaviour and engagement with the company. This Customer Engagement Score can also be used by Collie to reward customers. Needless to say, the biggest challenge of all businesses has been in reducing churn, cross-selling, and up-selling to existing customers. While the market provides tools that analyse customer behaviour and provide cohorts, pivot charts, and statistical analytics, Collie goes a mile further in creating actual value for the customers to become loyal with such companies.

Problems of Consumers

  1. Consumers around the Globe are facing incremental difficulties in managing numerous Loyalty  Membership Cards from different merchants.
  2. Most of the times the loyalty bonuses expire as consumers are not able to remember to redeem on time.
  3. All Merchants offer store credits or Discount Vouchers as Loyalty Bonus which the consumers have to redeem by purchasing more unnecessary goods.

Problems of Merchants

  1. Merchants have to maintain old legacy Loyalty systems which are more expensive than the budgets allocated to reward customers.
  2. Merchants offering store credits and discount vouchers fail to attract loyalty from their customers.
  3. Merchants are confused between Loyalty programs and seasonal sale discount marketing campaigns.

Problems Solved

  1. Retainly creates a single global network of Loyalty points for all types of merchants - offline and online.
  2. Retainly’s platform is inexpensive to use and to maintain, almost negligible to what the merchants are currently spending.
  3. Retainly allows merchants to offer cryptocurrency as an alternative to store credits.
  4. Consumers need to maintain just a single Loyalty Membership account and card.
  5. Consumers get their loyalty points into the single account no matter where they spend.
  6. Since their loyalty points is in Cryptocurrency, consumers can redeem it into their bank accounts as cash.


Dezentrales Token-Management
Das gesamte Reward-Programm läuft über Bot.
One Click Wallet Refill für Händler.
Entwickelt für alle Online-Unternehmen.
One Click Erlöse RETN für seine Kunden .
Trackable Ledger für beide Händler & amp; Kunden.
Integriertes Screening- und Betrugsschutzsystem.
Gamification inklusive Level & Amp; Bestenliste.

Technische Information

Technische Details: & nbsp; Ethereum ERC20-Standard-Token. Der Quellcode: & nbsp; Der Code ist auf GitHub verfügbar. Entwicklernachweis: & nbsp; Öffentliches Team.

Retainly ICO Roadmap

  • 7. Februar 2016

  • Retainly Product Konzeptualisierter Start des gesamten Blueprints des Produktkonzepts, der Marktgröße und der Wettbewerbsanalyse.
  • 10. Mai 2016

  • Tech Stack Finalisiertes Design und Finalisierung des Tech Stack
  • 21. Oktober 2016

  • Systemarchitektur Design der Systemarchitektur.
  • 6. Dezember 2016

  • Retainlys erste Codezeile Entwickler begannen, die ersten Codezeilen und die DB-Struktur zu schreiben.
  • Weiterlesen
  • Mär 24, 2017

  • Beta-Version veröffentlicht Die erste Beta-Version von Retainly ist mit automatischem Tracking & Analytics, CRM und anderen Lead-Capture-Formularen verfügbar. Massen-E-Mail-Marketing ist ebenfalls aktiviert.
  • 28.04.2017

  • Lead Generation Portfolio Veröffentlichung des kompletten Lead Generation Portfolios zusammen mit WordPress Plugin & Notif.
  • Jun 15, 2017

  • Customer Engagement Portfolio Die Freigabe der Marketingautomatisierung durch automatisierte Drip- und Verhaltenskampagnen.
  • 19.08.2017

  • Chatterbox Released Integrierter Live-Chat für Webseiten - direkt von Slack antworten
  • 22. Oktober 2017

  • Viral - Die Empfehlungs-App Integriertes Virenmarketing
  • 1. März 2018

  • Token-Auflistung Auflistung des RET-Tokens beim Austausch
  • 31. März 2018

  • Collie - Customer Retention Platform Vervollständigt den gesamten Marketing Stack.

Retainly ICO Mannschaft

Verifiziert 0%

Beachtung. Es besteht das Risiko, dass nicht verifizierte Mitglieder nicht Mitglieder des Teams sind

Palash Bagchi
CEO & Founder
Rajesh Pandurangan
Tech Enthusiast, Growth Hacker
Soujanya Kurelly
Marketing Manager
Anand Pal
UI / UX Designer
Avinash Animalla
Software Developer
Ravindra Nani
SEO Executive

Retainly ICO Letzte Nachrichten

Crypto Stats
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Market Info
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Circ. Supply:
ICO profit
ICO Price~$1.41

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ICO review website

Technologies of marketing automation and provision of services to increase loyalty are not new - these markets are mature enough, with a high level of competition on each of them. The leader in the marketing automation market is MailChimp, however, a comprehensive solution - a platform for increasing loyalty + marketing automation – definitely may occupy a certain niche market.

It is unclear whether the implementation of blockchain technology is critical for segments of increasing loyalty and marketing automation. RETN tokens can be purchased only for ETH and BTC - this binds the RETN to the rate of cryptocurrencies; it is possible that the option of buying for fiat currencies would help hedge this risk and increase interest from large Internet businesses. Tokens will be issued only during pre-ICO and ICO, additional emissions are not planned - this, in theory, may limit the company's scaling or lead to speculative growth of tokens’ prices, not related to business development. We also think that the company should pay attention to a very promising segment of eSports. Extremely high forecasted growth rates of revenue in 2020 compared to 2019 - by 430%. In addition, according to P&L report presented in WP, revenue in January 2018 will exceed the same indicator in December 2017 by 12 times. According to WP of Retainly, from January to March of 2018 the company's revenue will be about $120M, while the expected revenue for the entire fiscal year of 2018 (April 2018 - March 2019) is $126M; for 2017 (April 2017 - March 2018) - $12M – obviously there is some inconsistency or an error in the calculations. The main share of revenue will come from operations with tokens; in our opinion, an increase in the share of revenue from subscriptions and corporate contracts would help hedge some of risks and increase the interest of potential corporate clients.

The lack of advisory from large companies - potential customers - and the developer of blockchain (which deals only with the “crypto” component). Currently, Palash Bagchi is also the director of STPL Global – it can negatively affect to Retainly’s business; the same is true for Soujanya Kurelly.

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