Augury Finance

Augury Finance

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Augury is a talented team of developers from disciplines across the business world. With over 100 years of experience, the team approaches Defi with a new perspective, one of innovation and solving the largest challenges in Defi. The team builds innovative products with a focus on sustainability and risk mitigation. We have seen the future, and it's Augury!
  • Markt
    Band 24H
    24H (Preis)
    24H (Volumen)
  • Quickswap
    OMEN/0X8F3CF7AD23CD3CADBD9735AFF958023239C6A063 % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0297
    $ 4.09
  • Quickswap
    OMEN/0XC3FDBADC7C795EF1D6BA111E06FF8F16A20EA539 % count% vor einem Jahr
    $ 0.0296
To be announced
Weitere Details

Über Augury Finance

Augury Finance is a financial ecosystem on the Polygon (MATIC) blockchain which focuses on trust, risk mitigation, automation, community ownership, and sustainable returns. Augury Finance offers the following features:

  • Triple Yield Advantage: Weekly Dividends for Staking OMEN token
  • Swapping Capabilities: Conveniently trade your USDC into Omen on Augury Finance.
  • Dividend Staking: Stake your Omen, either in our LP pools or single staking, to receive continuous dividends
  • Portals: We offer vaults for long-term storage of your coins, with rewards in stablecoins to mitigate your risk
  • Infusions: Augury's exclusive Infusions allow you to farm various tokens and receive your rewards in tokens you actually want. No more manually selling farm rewards!
  • Yield Farm Automation: Augury's next product will continue the path of rewarding you in tokens you actually want, while automating the process, and mitigating your risk to market movements.
  • Governance: As this is a community platform, it is our goal to eventually allow you to vote on things that are important to you; these things include (but are not limited to): fees on this platform, how to use the community pot of OMEN tokens, potential token burns, and new features which we may add in the future.
  • Augury Cauldron: This is our launchpad for new products. Our platform can make the economics work for well-targeted problems within the Polygon space. Our model will help new teams get funded to launch their products while building out the larger MATIC ecosystem.
  • So Much More: Cross-Chain integrations, user/community growth, further automation, and more.

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