How To Improve Memory In The Study

How To Improve Memory In The Study

Memory allows us to fix, preserve and reproduce any type of information. In order for the product of our memorization to manifest, three steps are necessary: ​​fix the memory, organize or retain it, and finally, reproduce it without the need for it to be present. Likewise, memory can be classified into two types: short-term memory and long-term memory. Long-term memory is the most important for a student. In addition, it has been shown that moving from the short term to the long term requires time and attention. For this reason, we are going to give you practical advice to improve your memory.

When studying at university, students are forced to retain a large amount of very disparate information. This large amount of matter is usually joined by the need to retain it in a relatively short period of time. Therefore, memory plays a fundamental role in academic results. Although the key to a good result is effort and dedication, there are many tricks to improve memory that can be useful for any student at exam time. And if you are also looking for some tricks on writing a high-quality essay, you might be interested in getting yourself an essay writer.

Rest And Get Enough Sleep

Although it may seem silly, sleeping is one of the processes that can help us improve our memory the most. A study from the University of Massachusetts revealed the great importance of sleep. Sleeping well helps us consolidate memories and discard the most unnecessary information for our study. In addition to sleeping allowing us to improve our performance and lucidity, it improves the quality of our memory.

Stay In Touch With Others

This is another fact that may surprise many. A study in the Journal of Aging Research confirms, after a 15-year follow-up of its participants, that maintaining more contact with close friends and a larger social network, in general, is beneficial for improving memory performance.

Maintain A Correct Diet

The functioning of our body requires a good diet. Our neurons are no exception and need a balanced diet to perform their function optimally. One of the most important nutrients is phosphorus, which has established itself as one of the great nutrients in relation to memory. Some amino acids such as arginine or fats such as omega 3 are also important. This does not imply that the use of nutritional supplements is essential, since following a balanced diet, would be enough. Diet plays an essential role in our long-term performance.

Myths About Caffeine And Exciting Substances

The consumption of coffee or energy drinks such as Red Bull is a widespread practice within the student community. There are groups of people for whom caffeine in small doses could be beneficial. However, high doses of caffeine or energy drinks have deleterious effects on our memory. Not to mention more powerful substances, such as amphetamines, are commonly used among students. All these substances generate inefficient neuronal connections that can even play tricks on us over time.

Chocolate Consumption

It so happens that one of the most desired foods has beneficial substances for our brain. Indeed, chocolate has flavonols, which have a positive effect on brain function, as it has been shown to increase blood flow and carry out actions within brain areas related to learning and memory.

Physical Exercise

A study has been carried out at the University of Pittsburgh which concludes that aerobic exercise increases the size of the anterior hippocampus (brain area related to memory and special orientation). Also, during physical exercise endorphins are released, which would be something like our endogenous drugs. These substances have been shown, in a large number of studies around the world, to improve our performance, attention, concentration, and increase our ability to relate concepts in our heads.

Some Tricks To Improve Memory

“Self-imagination” is a memory technique widely studied by psychologists and has been shown to have positive effects. This technique consists of imagining oneself carrying out a specific action that is related to the concept that we are trying to memorize (for example, if you need to buy tangerines, you will imagine yourself picking them from a tree).

Relaxation And Stress

Stress is one of the great enemies of our memory. It is proven that anxiety and nervous tension decrease the performance of the brain. This is because they prevent the association of concepts in our heads and reduce our ability to concentrate. This is why it is very important to rest, interact with people or take a break when your brain is saturated.


These are our tips to improve memory. Try to put several of them into practice and you will see how you notice the difference. Which ones do you think will best help you improve your memory?

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