Businesses That Accept Crypto Payments 

Businesses That Accept Crypto Payments 

Due to the increased popularity of the crypto market and the benefits for businesses offered by blockchain technology as well as for cryptocurrencies, there is an increasing number of businesses that accept cryptocurrencies. Actually, there are over 10,000 businesses across the world that accept crypto payments, and it’s safe to say that this number will just go up in the future. Here we will take a look at businesses that jumped at the opportunity to accept crypto payments, including some famous brands.

Online Gambling  

Online gambling platforms want to stay on top of technological innovations because they operate in a highly competitive environment. This also applies to betting sites. Betting platforms want to provide a high-quality experience to the users and to communicate with a great audience of crypto users that want to use their cryptocurrencies to bet online.

This is why there is an increased number of betting platforms that accept crypto payments. Not only are cryptocurrencies safe, but the processing times are short, and also, they are associated with minimal transaction costs regardless of the location of the users. This is another reason why betting platforms are accepting crypto payments, and it’s safe to say it’s one of the dominant trends in the industry right now. On this platform, you can compare betting sites’ bonuses and learn more about the new betting sites on the market.


Almost everyone today recognizes Tesla, which is one of the highest-grossing companies in the sector. Tesla is a clean energy company and electric-vehicle manufacturer, which became associated with Bitcoin.

In the last couple of years, since Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, made public statements on its Twitter account that the company will accept crypto payments and it will also invest $1.5 billion from Tesla’s capital into BTC. Since then, Tesla has supported the crypto revolution.


Shopify is a famous e-commerce platform that allows thousands of businesses to create and run their e-commerce businesses. They also support the development of e-commerce apps for businesses. Shopify has been open to crypto payment since 2013, as a lot of businesses want to be able to connect with crypto users, and this also applies to Shopify.


OkCupid is an online dating platform that also has a separate mobile app that matches users on the site based on their answers to hundreds of questions that promote meaningful connections between the users on the platform.

Users answer questions on everything from climate change to gaming in order to match better with other users. It is an innovative company, and it’s actually one of the first platforms that developed its own app. OkCupid started to accept crypto payments (Bitcoin payments) in 2013, which is just a couple of years after Bitcoin’s release.




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