The Complete Bitbond Review That Everyone Is Talking About

The Complete Bitbond Review That Everyone Is Talking About

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In the world of finance, the concepts of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are still at infancy. However, both have grabbed the attention of the community across the globe and created new opportunities.

One such opportunity is lending services using digital coins. Cryptocurrencies backed by blockchain technology are now being used to offer fast loans worldwide. This is not all. The platforms also offer people the opportunity to invest their coins and earn interest.

One such lending platform is Bitbond. This Bitbond review is a comprehensive analysis of the peer-to-peer lending platform to seek answers to hard questions such as: “Is it legitimate and trustworthy?” and “Should you use it?”

What is Bitbond?

Bitbond is a peer-to-peer online lending platform that allows users to invest or borrow fiat or Bitcoin currencies. Investors use the platform to lend their funds to borrowers who want to revamp their enterprises.

Bitbond is run by Bitbond GmBH, a company founded and registered in Germany in 2013. This registration means that it abides by German and EU anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) rules.

Bitbond has provided a meeting point for cryptocurrencies and fiat currencies. On their website, they indicate that what make their services different are speed, human interaction and simplicity.

In addition to its impressive customer service, high return on investment is expected to help Bitbond grow rapidly. If you put money in a US bank’s saving account, the average interest is about 0.6% per year. However, Bitbond offers interest rates of between 10% and 30%.

The opportunity to reap greater returns is making investors drift from conventional banks to peer-to-peer lenders like Bitbond.

How Does Bitbond Work?

The loan process starts with Bitbond establishing its own credit rating that ranks borrowers from grade A to F. Grade A implies low default probability, while F implies high default risk.

After the rating is given, the borrower publishes the project for interested investors to see and fund. The following is the complete process of applying for the loan.

  • Register as a Bitbond User

This is the first and easiest step. You simply need to visit the Bitbond signup page and fill in the form with details such as your name, phone number, email, and tick that you want a business loan. Make sure to check your email and confirm the registration of the account.

  • Provide Personal and Financial Information

This is perhaps the most important step because it determines your credit rating. It is prudent to provide correct information because Bitbond will cross-check the details. Some of the information needed at this point include the date of birth, citizenship, and proof of residence.

Before you can publish the loan request, you will need to provide a video ID to a Bitbond security agent. This will require you to have a valid ID, such as a passport, or driver’s license. You also will need to have a mobile phone, laptop, or computer with a camera and a good internet connection.  

To further gauge your creditworthiness, you are required to connect the Bitbond account to another account such as Facebook or Amazon. The more the accounts you connect, the easier it will be for Bitbond to calculate the correct credit rating.

  • Publish the Loan Request

Once you are verified and rated, you can now publish the loan request so that interested investors can fund it. On the Bitbond account, simply click “Get Loan” to get another form that will require you to indicate the amount you want to borrow and the purpose of the loan.

To make it easy for investors to support your business, it is advisable to provide a vivid description of the enterprise to be funded. Consider providing additional details such as a business website and the recent performance of your business.

Finally, confirm the repayment method and submit the form so that available investors can see the details. Once the loan is funded, the repayment schedule is posted to your Bitbond account and also sent to your email address.

Is Bitbond Safe?

Peer-to-peer lending requires extra scrutiny. These lending platforms have earned a negative reputation because most of them such as Bitconnect have ended up being ponzi schemes. Ponzi schemes are programs set up to steal from unsuspecting investors by promising them high returns.

The Bitbond development team has sought to shed the negative reputation of peer-to-peer lending by making the operations open and transparent. The company appears to be on track to prove to the community that it is a trusted partner.

The following are some of the positive aspects that make Bitbond secure and reliable:

  • Bitbond is a Registered Company with Staff and a Physical Office

One reason that cryptocurrency-related ventures often lose the trust of the community is because they are operated as anonymous companies. Whether it is a lending platform or a cryptocurrency, investors always ask: “How would I file a complaint in the case of a loss?”

Bitbond has addressed the question by operating a physical office in Berlin, Germany. The same way you can walk into a bank and talk to the staff, you can talk to Bitbond company representatives in their Berlin office. This helps people relate to  the company and develop trust in it.

The caption below taken from their website shows the office location and working hours.

bitbond contact information

  • The Company Carries Due Diligence on Borrowers

To reduce the danger of borrowers defaulting on loans, Bitbond carries due diligence to establish the borrowers’ repayment capability. This includes background checks, especially on borrowers’ employment, repayment capability and location. Bitbond goes further to rate borrowers so that lenders can select only ones who are creditworthy.

  • Defaulters Risk Being Reported to Credit Reference Bureaus

Although Bitbond indicates it does not look at borrowers’ credit rating when approving loans, those who default on loan repayments get reported to credit reference agencies. First, it contracts with debt collection companies to recover the borrowed money and penalties. The recovered money is used to repay the investors.

Then, they are reported to the credit reference agencies. Because this raises the danger of losing the opportunity to get credit from conventional banks, borrowers make every effort to pay the loans.

The Summary of Bitbond

This Bitbond review has demonstrated it is a carefully thought out and well implemented platform that aims to redefine the peer-to-peer lending crypto space. Here is a summary of the pros and cons of Bitbond:


  • The loans are funded by investors
  • Few and transparent charges
  • Credit score is not a factor for loan approval
  • Easy online application
  • Fixed interest rates
  • The loans are unsecured
  • No prepayment penalties


  • Not available for borrowing large amounts
  • Because the loans are peer-to-peer, default means that investors could lose their money
  • Applicants need some presentation skills
  • Loans are not guaranteed especially to low-rated borrowers

The crypto industry is finally realizing that although most peer-to-peer lending platforms proved to be scams, good ones still exist. The fact that Bitbond has been in business for about eight years, has an operating office, and straightforward operational procedures means that you can trust it either for borrowing or investing funds.

What is more impressive is that the Bitbond default rate is approximately 13%, which is still among the lowest in the market. Indeed, investors can experience even lower rates if they stick with grade A or B borrowers.  

If you do not want to follow the conventional banking system and have been thinking of a peer-to-peer loan or lending, Bitbond is one good option to consider. Remember to get your finances and online accounts such as Amazon or Facebook in order before applying for the loan.

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