CertiK Report Shows Sharp Decline in Crypto-Related Losses

7 मई 2024 BACK TO NEWS

CertiK, a leading blockchain security firm, has published its latest report revealing a significant downturn in losses from crypto-related hacks and scams as April draws to a close. This development highlights an encouraging trend towards increased security within the cryptocurrency industry.

According to CertiK's findings, April witnessed approximately $25.7 million lost to exploits, hacks, and scams, marking a remarkable decline of 141% from the previous month's losses. The breakdown of these losses reveals that exit scams accounted for roughly $4.3 million, flash loans for $129,000, and exploits for $21 million.

This reduction in losses represents a promising sign for the cryptocurrency industry, particularly in light of the substantial losses reported in previous years. A report by Hacken released in April highlighted a surge in hacking incidents during the first quarter of 2024, resulting in losses of over $824 million across 67 breaches.

One notable observation from the Hacken report was that these attacks predominantly targeted prominent individuals and projects, indicating a growing trend of bad actors aiming at high-profile targets. Despite these challenges, CertiK's report also brings positive news, revealing that more than half of the stolen funds – nearly $444 million – were successfully recovered or frozen.

This significant recovery effort underscores an improvement in the industry's responsiveness to such incidents, attributed to measures such as bounties for returned funds and interventions by white hat hackers. As the cryptocurrency industry continues to evolve, enhanced security measures and proactive approaches are vital in safeguarding the interests of investors and stakeholders alike.